Thursday, July 2, 2009

Time to change the blog-blurb

Because I am no longer "trying" not to be a fat 30 year old. I am in fact 30, and I am still a little too thick around the middle for my liking. I've been lazy. What else is new? Being lazy is a theme of my life I keep trying to deny, but I L-O-V-E doing nothing!

Adding fuel to the fire, work is slow due to our lovely economy. With that, it's also an odd mix of stressy and paranoid. I still have stuff to do [a good thing!] but minus the normal screw ups, I have a lot of down-time. One would think this would increase the amount of blogging, but not the case. Lack of inspiration or motivation or activity or whatever is like quicksand, it sucks you in! I always thought I was lying [or "exaggerating" as we say in sales] when asked in an interview what my weaknesses were and I always replied "I need to have more to do rather than less". Apparently this prophesy has self-fulfilled.

With the amount of time I have on my hands these days I should have a clean house, 3 handmade dresses, a couple domestic projects started, my magazine clippings organized and archived, a spreadsheet of my life color-coded for reference, my eyeshadows organized by shade, and some needlepoint started. Instead I have half-ass attempts at getting it together. The piles of post-its are worse than ever! So I need to really get it together, for real.

One plus to being 30 is that I've noticed when I try and talk myself out of exercising, a part of my brain creeps in with "You're not getting any younger". Not in a mean way [I am president of my own fan club, always], but in a factual way. Seriously, I'm 30. This is so far applying to eyecream and exercising, and eating healthy - sort of. Just this July, AKA Newly Inspired July [even if I have to fake it], I have been pretty good - running yesterday and riding the bike today. Granted I had both days off, but the hope is that I get into a good groove through Sunday and then it carries over to the work week and FOREVER! Life changes are good it they are positive.

I will try and use this to hold me accountable, fingers crossed. Let's see, since forever ago what's changed. Not a whole lot, same house, same job [yay!], Ed and I still love eachother, no pets. New TV, my sister is a blessed human and decided to buy is a 40 inch flat screen for fun. Love her. Still go to trivia, family is still well and good. Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died last week. I'm only throwing that out there because I'm watching MTV on my giant television and there is a constant scroll of MJ news. We had an awesome vacation to Seattle/SF and while it's kind of sad to have nothing to look forward to, it's sooo nice to have that out of the way. I have something to talk about when people ask and nothing to pack or save money for for the balance of the summer. Work Lindsay and I are planning a Thelma & Louise trip to the West, but that is contingent upon us keeping our employment.

So it's July 2, let's recap so far and I need to promise to keep up on things better.
Wed 7/1
No work [mandatory PTO], got a new TV. Ran 2.2 miles in the mist [have I mentioned it does nothing but rain these days?]. Breakfast was scrambled eggs w/ cheese and 2 slices of toast, tea, some seltzery concoction. Spent the day shopping, treated myself to McDonalds post-Wal-Mart [does it get more American than that?] was so good. It was a day off, I like to have fully wonderful days off. Bad shopping and fast food were necessary to deal with the craptacular that Mother Nature was putting on outside. Ed came home and we ordered Pizza and had that with beer. I've taken to mixing my UFO with seltzer and lemonade and it is divine. So I had half a Pinky's basil and tomato and a small bowl of caesar salad and a beer. Not awful. I don't think I had desert, we have nothing in the house desert-worthy but I am so spacey lately that I can't remember.

Thu 7/2
Ondemand on my cable is busted. Comcast really sucks, I hope FIOS gets here quickly and is a big imporvement. Biked for 45 min while watching the end of The Money Pit, about 10 miles. I had a HEC on TJs whole grain toast and some tea and juice. I also had most of an apple [I used part of it to set new fruit fly traps, we have an issue this week due to an overripe pineapple and Darling's inability to use the trash can for disposal of food items]. I just had a slice of pizza for a late lunch. I need to eat more frequently I think, I got from full to starving and then full-full again and it's annoying. Add it to the list. Speaking of which, here are some current life goals:

Keep a better blog.

Eat fewer sweets, cut down from half the breadbasket to a piece.

Run or something every day.

Get up to a half marathon before it snows.

Get my budget and calendar in order.
I have a goddamn iPhone 3Gs [new, and I LOVE it], they must have an app for this.

Do dog research, not for now...but maybe like 2012. I like a long runway.
We're back to thinking bull terriers. They are badass.

Get rid of fruitflies in our house. This is nasty.

Maybe I should add "watch better TV" to my list. I just discovered Maria Full of Grace is on IFC. It has SUB-TITLES! I have never watched anything in my life with sub-titles. I think I've heard this is good, and I know it has something to do with drugs and teenagers, 2 themes I enjoy, so I'm going to stick it out. Very hard to type and read the television simultaneously so that's all for now. Gaudet, out!