Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Slacker McGee

Story of my life lately. Not really- I am a HOMEOWNER. Holy crap! Hasn't really hit me yet but 55 Orchard Street in Meffa is mine all mine!! Well, with Darling but whatever, we share well. So far so good, we are overwhelmed and have been cleaning and painting and learning exactly how much one can spend at Home Depot in a weekend. Awesome.

I haven't moved an inch, and I've been eating terribly. Last week we had our team meetings and then the whole house thing and Halloween. We shall see, I need to get it together.

So I'm sitting at trivia now watching the election results. I am so nervous for the next 4 years. I will hope for the best but if my taxes go up the wazoo, I'm blaming a lot of my close friends and co-workers. I wrote in Ron Paul and yes'd everything, as expected. My fingers are crossed for a better future than what my gut feels will likely happen. I will not bore everyone with my theories that the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Ok off to nerd it up.

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