Sunday, April 5, 2009

Season 3 of the Tudors

I'm watching this now, it's the same, I dig it. They switched actresses to play Jane Seymour, which is wack. I like that I only have to half pay attention. And that Brandon Charles is seriously getting more and more handsome. Good Lord. Here was the rest of the day:

Headed down to Middleboro, has some more of my drink and a tasty Bud Light Lime. I will not admit it, becuase I spent last summer ridiculing him for this opinion, but the stuff is pretty damn good. And I loathe all Budweiser products so this is ringing endorsement. Very nice afternoon, balmy, llamas and they're all good people.

Had an apple on my way to 5 Keane. Daddy made me a small plate of parm-encrusted chicken, some baked lasagna and asparagus, with some more of my drink. Had a cup of mint tea. I just had a 100 calorie bag of popcorn [not great but took the edge off] and now I am having a yogurt and my evening cup of tea.

Ed booked our trip to Seattle/SF! I am excited, less douchey as I was about it Friday. I like to have 17 years to plan things, so curve balls [ie. finding out we're going to SF almost 2 months in advance....I am so nuts] make me wacky. But Ed edited carefully and made some decisions on his own [much better!] and we are good, I'm looking forward to it. Wish it was tomorrow instead of work...going to WF for the day, trying to get there early. Maybe even run beforehand? And then pedicures with Erin after work...I am so nervous.

Mixing this Taislim in with my far, I have no issues and see no miracles. We'll give it a bit. Whatever, works, right? As long as I don't develop a heart condition. Good night!

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