Monday, February 23, 2009

Eh: And then there was Monday

5 day week, hope it flies by. Can't be any worse than last week, aka the longest 4 day week EVER. Seriously, someone should do a study on perception of 4 day vs 5 day work weeks.

So, I rode the bike yesterday for 11 miles [about 40 min] and did my arms. Those are getting less annoying, still not easy but not torture. I still feel sick after completing them, hoping that goes away. I do like that under my grandma-flab, I can feel my muscles. If only the stomach muscles reacted as quickly as the biceps and triceps. Oh well.

Let's see what else, yesterday I think I had some juice and H20 with my workout. Then I went to my parents and had some wine, glass of red and glass of white [my mom informed me that I have "loose lips" when I drink, making me feel like a total alcoholic, so I'm going to cut back even more on the boozing]. Then we had a supper of white wine coq au vin, bread, broccoli and asparagus and some noodles. It was delicious. Then I had some orange, tea, a few truffles and an oatmeal cranberry dipping cookie for dessert. Had some juice and water as well. Got home and tried starving but then folded and had some microwave popcorn and seltzer. Then I had 4 tiny chocolate hazelnut squares from WF. Went to bed, slept ok. I hate Mondays, especially when they're covered in ice.

Today: Had my bagel and earth balance [gross!], some tea and a reeses mini. I just had lunch, a gross salad and tiny crust of bread with a diet snapple. I am just repeating in my head, You will be fat in June every time I want pizza or more cheese or fries. Pfffttttt...misery is not eating what you want to eat. Once i get in slightly better shape I can eat more bread. More bread!!

Back to work.........

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