Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No Joke: No Sweets for a Month!

No April Fool's Day prank, the lack of sugar and carbs has made me too sluggish to think of anything clever.

Won't get into the past half month, sheer laziness per usual. I sit and stare at a screen all day and vary my distractions and lately blogging hasn't been on my radar. New month, I am re-energized and motivated and ready to go. That might be the most redundant sentence I've ever composed, but I'm trying to rally...

To sum up the past couple weeks, I've been eating ok and working out probably 3-4 times a week, nothing good or progressive [i.e. more than 2 miles at once] but I've been consistent. Nothing crazy and gluttonous food-wise either, too much bread [always] and Ed and I did split a pint of B&J last night as a farewell to sugar for April [except Easter, already looking forward to it], but I now need to take radical action to see any of the changes I want to see.

April 1 is here, new diet and life plan. Way more jogging - 25 days till the 10k - ACCCKK!!!! No sugar, less..maybe no...bread, more fruits and veggies, less processed crap. No beer? Not sure why I threw that in, I only drink beer at trivia but it just makes me FEEL fat. I need to look good and feel good, I sound brainwashed but I am not. Just scared of turning 30.

Not of being old or a failure, just in being a blob of what used to be skinny and healthy. I evaluated my life station on my hellish drive to Westford today and I am actually quite content and happy, I am very lucky. Complaints would be that I have no pill to suddenly lose 30 lbs and gain muscle, and having to drive to Westford twice a week. These are not awful by any stretch.

I'll write up my diet details this weekend so I have to stick to it. Frankly, right now I'm tired from work and my run [2.3 miles, not on a track in drizzly 40s - woo-hoo!] and want to watch The Tudors and focus on anything besides the dessert I will not be having. I feel tired but pretty awesome, I just need some good and distracting audio and I can kind of go on auto-pilot. Plus running on the street was not nearly as bad a transition as I thought it would be. Here is what I ran:

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For consumption, oatmeal with SF syrup, milk and bananas. Katsu/sushi lunch box from Karma with gyoza, rice and soup [DC with lemon] with LR at lunch. No snacks, just an apple on the ride home and some Propel and tea all day. Drinking Propel now, will have a yogurt [sugar is ok in jam or yogurt...there is a method to my madnes, I just need to figure it out]. Ending my day with tea WITHOUT a sweet, a new habit I need to get into.

Ok, back to handsome Brandon Charles. God bless OnDemand.

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