Wednesday, June 9, 2010


My blood sugar is so low right now I can barely think, and I just spent 1 hr hanging up clean laundry. The WORST. My brain is a constant hamster wheel of things I'm forgetting. Ugh.

Anyhow, despite of my HORRIBLE LIFE [sarcasm, of course], here's what I'm appreciating today:

1. job got renewed for 3 more months. Frustrating in ways and still not my life's passion but it's opening some doors and moreover it's cash-money.

2. my birthday being over. Birthdays and holidays are always massive build-up and then some semi-fun fizzle with good food. Such was the case. I need to realize I don't live in The Great Gatsby and get a better idea of what it really means to have a party, BEFORE I'm in the middle of it.

3. my beautiful diamond ring. It scared me at first, and marriage scares me in general [not due to ed, due to being a full-on adult], but I stare at this shizz daily and it always makes me smile.

4. my cat being 13 with no end in sight; that would seriously crush me

5. beer plan with the KAS. Could turn out awesome, and I am in dire need of a lit fire under my ass.
5b. I got a new print in the mail from the KAS, and it is beautiful. I've already framed it and I'm figuring out where to put it. Ahht.

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