Thursday, August 12, 2010

All Terrain

So the 5k last night was in the mother-fucking FOREST. What?! Like beautiful non-humid night and lovely part of RI but seriously, roots and wood chips and rocks, ugh. And I should really train at least a little if I'm going to run. And maybe eat more than like a bagel in the day time. I finished last, 41:44. Ugh. But I did it, I ran the whole thing, I finished. Blah and Blah. I feel kind of sucky today but not as bad as I thought.

I did some arms tonight and ate too many cookies. I am done with my antibiotics so I can stop using that as an excuse to eat bread, bread and more bread. Work is becoming an issue, I need to stop going out to eat. That Bamboo isn't even good and is a diet-killer. And I'm supposed to be saving money. Ah, life. I still have my attitude problem, hopefully that will get better as I start to feel better.

I'm going to try and keep momentum going and run 4-5 miles tomorrow, I have no real weekends to myself until mid-September. And work will be insane by then. I am so annoyed by everyone and everything. Except Ed and those cookies and MTV programming. These are good things.

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