Monday, August 30, 2010

Case of the Mondays

Indeed. I have a feeling this will continue all week, alas. Woke up early and ran 2.6m in 38 minutes [embarrassing] and did my arms. Ate ok today, that is going better. I think hydrating properly does cut some of the starvation. Banana and a spoonful or PB pre-run [I got the hiccups twice before 9 today WTF]. Egg and english for breakfast, some strawberries, a nectarine. Veggie soup for lunch, yogurt, more strawberries, some gluten free fettuccine frozen thing for dinner [rice noodles, was actually good] and some tomatoes with olive oil and vinegar for dinner. And i just had 2 cookies and a cup of decaf for dessert. I think I've lost like one pound but at least it STOPPED GOING UP. And i did not succumb to my snacking today, if I wanted something I ate fruit. Progress!

This blog has gotten very anal-food-fattie-boring. I should work on that.

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