Monday, September 8, 2008


I figured I'd use some of my recently learned legal jargon to title this brief post. Made the offer, I'm angry over $ may be a bit more than that but denial is a powerful thing...and it's not much more. I feel ok, I think it will work out in the end and I really do love it whether I want to admit it or not. Where does this obstinate pugnacious streak come from? Both my parents are reasonable people.

Speaking of unreasonable people, my poor cat's face was ripped open AGAIN this past week. Another trip to the vet. I'm calling animal control on those asshole cats across the street, mark my words. I'd post a picture here but you'd puke, poor kitty. I wish he'd learn his lesson but he's always been a bit rough and tumble. He just can't rough and tumble with FIVE borderline feral cats. West Roxbury is going to the dogs...or cats [wocka wocka].

Tonight: starved because I thought I'd exercise, didn't, and instead had 2 teeny glasses of wine [one with a strawberry in it, how festive!] and a piece of Trader Joe's garlic naan with butter. Has TJ's naan made an appearance in my blog yet? One of my favorite foods; it is, as the kids say, THE SHIT. So deliciously flavorful and easy for non-cooks like me to prepare and oddly satisfying. Again, not the healthiest meal but whatevs - it's not a million calories.

Erin is booked up the rest of the wook so I'm going to have to rely on myself for discipline. This could take a turn for the worse. I will *try* and get up to exercise pre-work tomorrow, but I do need to get to the office early. Otherwise, maybe squeeze it in pre-trivia? I love trivia and didn't go last week due to my trip to margaritaville...or dacquiriville, so I'm stoked for tomorrow night? Also, half a game back from Tampa [still so weird to type that], woo-hoo! I won't get into poor TB's knee cause I am a total pink-hat when it comes to football and only like it when we're in the Superbowl [sue me], but it is sad and I hope we can still put up a good fight for the season.

That's all for now. Till later!

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