7 years of French and I'm 80% sure I spelled that wrong. I'm apparently on a day on, day off rotation with the blog right now. Maybe the honeymoon period is over?
So yesterday I worked in Cambridge, hit up the DD for a HEC on a croissant [a good one this time!] and a tea for breakfast. A bag of Cheetos for lunch, I'm apparently a 17 year old dude. Got home early because we were supposed to look over our P&S [I'm 90 - ackk], but it didn't happen. Had some water and a LC cannelloni or something equally disgusting, I was starving and being a douche and we had plans for 8 and I knew I would never make it.
Headed over to Bart and Elena's, friends from work that we are helping move next weekend, for wine and cheese. Elena put out and AMAZING spread: melon and prosciutto, cucumbers, olives, 6 or 7 cheeses, some weird date nut palate cleansing thing, and a bunch of wonderful baguettes and breads. SO GOOD. We had some red wine with that and it was a really nice night. They are currently in Belmont which is scary-quiet. Beautiful, but I can see how that guy that wrote Election and Little Children resides there - the absolute nothingness must be quite inspiring for some people. It frightens me. After that, we had a bomb-ass apple tart from some bakery and some jasmine green tea and Italian cookies [thanks to Ed's company party!] and this Sauternes wine we brought. It's French and desserty and I love it.
Got up today, Saturday, and noted that our fridge had become as frat-like as the rest of our apartment. I am not a housekeeper, I'm actually kind of a slob - not dirty or rotting, just messy and disorganized. Usually we have food though, today not so much. So we went to Shaw's, LBS raging - I was so thankful when I was getting my ham from the deli that the butcher offered me the first slice, it definitely prevented me passing out. On our way out, you could smell the McDonald's fries. Have we discussed how I looooove McDonald's? Supersize Me was like porn, made me hungry. On the way in, I had initially tried to sway Princess into stopping, he said no. On the way out, I remarked "OMG, can you smell the deliciousness of the fries?" He could. It was well after the 11:30 weekend breakfast cut-off but I tried my hardest: while loading the groceries in the trunk I whispered "Come on, a little cheeseburger happy meal amusee bouche before breakfast? It would be so good!" He laughed, but it was a big no. Our priorities are so different. Sad.
Got home, Darling made me some fried eggs and I had a couple slices of Iggy's bread, one plain, one with mozzarella, ham and tomatoes on it. I eat the same like 9 things over and over, huh? Sad, I never considered myself cosmopolitan whatsoever but when it's glaringly obvious that you really do eat like a 7 year old [and Italian 7 year old, but still] at age 29, it's kind of weird. Anyhow, had some juice/seltzer combo, sat around for like 5 minutes and then went back to bed. I love having no responsibilities. Keep in mind, I woke up at like 10:30, and was back in bed by 1:30. And it was nice out. L-A-Z-Y.
Woke up at 3, checked my email, Ed had been out and came home. We went for a walk at like 4 over to Bob's in Meffa. Bob's is amazing, if we ever get married they are totally doing our wedding. I had never been in the actual store, I could have eaten everything. We got some sausage and a slice of pizza and and Evian for the road. Headed back, probably like a 2-3 mile trip all around? A very pleasant fall day. Grabbed some beer [Smutty Pumpkin for Darling, Raspberry UFO for me] and now we are home, hopefully for the evening. Ed is making a stew of some kind....he is a very good cook but more into meat and spice than fair little me and from the smell of it, not sure if I'll be such a fan. I may just eat more bread for dinner, maybe a yogurt. And some beer.
Blog is making me realize I drink MUCH more than I thought. Not like holic-drink, but it is interesting. Might explain more of the tummy than I initially thought it was responsible for. Can someone make healthy booze?
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