Even weekends that I'm snowed in and have diddly to do I get little-to-nothing accomplished. I did nothing this weekend, no touching up, no curtains, no deep-scrubbing of my bathroom. Laundry and some dishes and snow maintenance. I could have blogged 19 times but I just get sucked into a lethargy pit. Part of this can be blamed on The Wire which I am re-watching from the start. It is soooo good, but the episodes are an hour and even though I've seen it I still find myself paying keen attention. It's a part-time job - my weekend job, apparently.
Let's see, yesterday I had an apple for the afternoon and did 14 miles on the bike [53 minutes] AND my arm exercises, impressive for a day of rest. My current exercise DVDs are "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia", it's pretty decent and comes in half-hour increments which is good for working out. I then had another of Ed's cookies. He came home and made us pasta his boss brought back from Italy, simple little shell things with my dad's sauce. It was ok. I wanted garlic bread but he brought home WPF Oat and Honey which I was skeptical of for that purpose.
I went to Target and came back and had some anyway, it was decent. I was ravenous by that point for whatever reason [so hungry lately - either due to exercise or due to less calories or maybe some kind of cruel placebo effect] and so in addition to my bread I also had some ramen that I bought at Target [total rip-off 97 cents and same portion as the 20 centers - just in its own box think and nuke-able]. Followed up with some more tea and half a bottle of Boone's, and the another cookie. Considering I sat on my ass and watched TV for 5 hours [Ed went to a party and I started Season 1 and an episode of Bad Girls Club - sooo trashy!], that is NOT eating a lot for me. On the bad side, I went to bed at like 4 am. TV will be the end of me.
Today, I slept until 11:30, got up, had a banana, and shoveled for an hour while Princess slept [he got in at like 5:30 - I am so nice] and then came in and did my arm exercises. I measured my stuff on the Wii Fit [still fat, still gaining - though in very tiny increments] and got ready for my afternoon. Ed made me a bagel and butter and cream cheese and I had some gatorade, ghetto late breakfast but whatever works.
Went to the NB outlet and CVS and my parents' house for supper. Had a glass of red wine, some cranberry juice and seltzer, lasagna, some parmesean encrusted chicken, and broccoli. Had some peppermint tea and one mint-choco cookie for dessert. Went to Trader Joe's and now I am home. Just had some tea and 2 more pieces of garlic toast that my dad sent home in my care package for the week. I am still hungry and watching TV so I am trying my hardest to resist... Tired for now, will try and wake up early tomorrow to exercise, maybe? I could work out after work as well. I wish I could work from home everyday. Or win the lottery, either would work.
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