Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Not even sure if I hyphenated that right but I decided I'm going to sew some curtains this winter and then move on and up to other household items. So I had to go to Joann Fabrics and Michael's and GOOD LORD scrapbooking is popular!! Like 4-5 aisles devoted to it, with tiny little pieces of everything and special scissors and adhesives and backgrounds and books. I was horrified and amazed. Anyhow, I digress.

I skipped yesterday:
I had my bagel and some tea. We had our "virtual SKO" and that included lunch [rather than 4 days in Miami - these are trying times] so I had a turkey sandwich, some salad, veggies and chips. I also had 1 oatmeal raisin cookie and a diet Sunkist.

Afternoon passed and I didn't snack...I think? I'm trying to remember, the past few days have been a blur of fastness, if that makes any sense... I came home and had a WF pizza for dinner, some tea and 2/3rd of a belgian 100 calorie bar. I think some water too? Who knows. I didn't move a muscle, not even going to trivia [everyone was sick or bailed].

It was inauguration day, I am hopeful for the future but so over all the hullaballoo! I felt like I was immersed in all things Obama and for someone like me who is still very much on the fence [or actually I'm not even near the fence, I'm way on the other side but not in a hater-negative I'm just going to talk smack and pout way], I was happy that is jazzed up so many of my friends who have never taken a huge interest in politics and world events, but apprehensive in that I feel like everything is turning into these glorious flashes in the pan. Everyone has their 15 minutes and everything is trendy. I do not want a trendy president or a brand for a president or an image for a president, I want someone who does their job, is fair and keeps America awesome and makes us even better. Enough with the rant, it was a significant and historical day and I'm glad so many folks were part of it and felt encouraged by it - 2009 could be the start of something really rad.

Today, I had some Carnation IB with soy milk and part of an apple. Then some tea and an english muffin with butter at Ed's office. We had to re-sign our re-fi [re re re] because the dates were f'd up last week. Our amazing lawyer came to us [so I didn't have a chance to apologize or yell further at the less-fortunate] and we TCB'd at Ed's espresso-world and he made me a muffin for my drive to WF - he is so sweet.

For lunch, we did the caf [barf], I had a salad and Diet Snapple Iced Tea and little roll with margarine. I didn't snack all afternoon and then got home after Joann's and had a handful or Triscuits before heading back out to Michael's/Target. Kill me now, I know. Whatever, recession, resmession, I'm going to start DIY'ing everything just for $$ and sanity and quality and feeling good about how my house looks. I am SUCH a dirty hippy! ACCCKK. For supper, I just made an entire box of mac n cheese and almost ate all of it, I left a tad. I'm going to have a teeny caramel chocolate and head to bed. No moving, I'm focusing on tomorrow. Yep. Ok, I'm really out now - Top Chef has restarted and Radikha is so annoying and the Hosea/Leah thing is yucky, and whatever.

My good-will shout-out of the day goes to the lady behind me at Target. I walked away and suddenly hear a "Ya gluves!" in a screechy Boston accent. While non-natives might find this irritating, this is exactly what I love about my home town. She noticed I was leaving an item behind [there were gloves on the end of the register station- turned out not to be mine, but that's beside the point] and chose the most efficient and direct manner to inform me without causing any kind of awkwardness or forcing us to be friends or talk more than necessary. Love it. I told her they weren't mine but thanks, and I was on my way. She was fabulous.

Wii Fit tomorrow? I think I'm doing Cambridge and cocktails. Exciting!

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