Monday, November 30, 2009
Here's what's going to happen
First, good things from this year:
1. Princess gave me this beautiful ring that I stare at constantly. I love it in so many ways and am so happy-happy with him. Now when I turn onto my dreaded stretch of 495 en route to Westford, I am pleasantly surprised by a universe of mini rainbows from the sun reflecting off of it onto the inside of my car.
2. I turned 30, no great shakes but an accomplishment in itself. I am an adult! My party sucked, but I'm glad to have good friends and that Mark has since stopped drinking.
3. One year in the house, no disasters. This is a mini-miracle.
4. Fun trips - Cali, Seattle, visits to friends. VEGAS THIS WEEKEND! As much as I bemoan traveling, it makes life interesting. Plus new food establishments are always welcome.
5. Family is happy and healthy, myself and Linus included. Sometimes that's all you need.
Ok, so now let's plan. Major upcoming events:
Vegas 12/3-7 I'm eating whatever I want and not jogging, FTW.
Ed b-day dinner 12/19 Free pass.
X-Mas 12/23-5 Again, anything goes. Maybe I'll try moving at least one of these days.
NYE 12/31 We may have a party, I may put on 5 lbs. Although I ate very little at the Halloween fest.
After that, free and clear for running and salads [joy!]. In focus, I have Martha's wedding in June and Meagan's and like half my female cousins in September. These are all motivating. If I see one more picture of me at a wedding with granny arms, I'll shit. Going to try and lose 30 lbs by June, 40 by Sept. Is this nuts? Probably but I'd like to check out Ms. Moss' [paraphrased] sentiment "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" for myself as a grown up. I can always go back to over-eating and sitting on the couch later in life. Plus this gives me a head start for my actual wedding for which I need to look fabulous. I'm thinking 3/6/11 in Portland at VooDoo Donuts [a free pass day as well], we'll see. Ed should probably have a say in this too...hmm....
So I'm thinking 10k again this April and then...half marathon in the Fall? Maybe? I need to research a. easy courses and b. how/if you pee while running that far. Seriously, I am obsessed over this aspect. I had to stop once on a mini-training jog to tie my shoe and it was PAINFUL to restart. And I can't imagine jogging in place while squatting on the side of the road? Gross, I need to stop thinking about this.
Ok, off to bed. I'm not going to lie and say I'll be back tomorrow, but I am going to prepare my training/eating master plan on the flight to Vegas Thursday night. So till then!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Blunk Drogging
1. This trail mix Becky gave me in Ventura 2 weeks ago that I'm just eating now. I guess I should be thankful for plastic baggies too.
2. Gin. How I love thee.
3. My normal boyfriend. He may frustrate me and make me crazy from time to time, but I am a lucky girl.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Blog v2.0
So as I mentioned in my last post, I need a new sub-title. I am now 30, a rubenesque-joggy 30. I have good days and bad - ran a 5k with Bobby G on Sunday and just wolfed 4 plus-sized Nutella s'mores because it's Thursday and why not. Que sera, sera.
I keep reading all these blogs and getting Blog-Envy [lamest sounding term ever, noted] so I am really going to REALLY try and get it together for October. New month, new quarter, no big interuptive vacations or events planned for the near future. The weather is lovely, life is pretty good. I need to embrace it and take note. I'm deciding my 30s are going to get a bit more introspective. Not wackadoo-hippy, and hopefully not old, but I really do need to get it together to stop feeling so pointlessly frantic all the time.
One of my new, or old but new recognization [is that a word? no], goals is to not whine.bitch.complain so goddamn much. Or if I do at least also take the time to consider how awesome 99.99999999997% of my life actually is. This will yield more lists, yay and nay, good and bad, happy and annoyed, whatever and whatever. I LOVE LISTS! ProRun is almost over and I'm sick so I need to go to bed but to start here are 5 things I'm happy and thankful for right now:
1. I love my house. I love turning on to my street. I love my overgrown yard. I love my mess.
2. I love that we are going to Vegas in December. It's not even October and I can almost TASTE it already.
3. I love cable. Sad sad sad but true.
4. I love that tomorrow is Friday.
5. I love that I have a washer and dryer in my own basement. Laundry is so much more palatable when you do not need to leave your house to do it.
And as a bonus per the preview I just watched, 6. I love that MICHAEL KORS IS BACK on Runway next week! Woot!
1 non-love is that another bulb in the chandelier just blew....that leaves me with 2 out of 6 remaining. It's like 1890 up in here.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Time to change the blog-blurb
Adding fuel to the fire, work is slow due to our lovely economy. With that, it's also an odd mix of stressy and paranoid. I still have stuff to do [a good thing!] but minus the normal screw ups, I have a lot of down-time. One would think this would increase the amount of blogging, but not the case. Lack of inspiration or motivation or activity or whatever is like quicksand, it sucks you in! I always thought I was lying [or "exaggerating" as we say in sales] when asked in an interview what my weaknesses were and I always replied "I need to have more to do rather than less". Apparently this prophesy has self-fulfilled.
With the amount of time I have on my hands these days I should have a clean house, 3 handmade dresses, a couple domestic projects started, my magazine clippings organized and archived, a spreadsheet of my life color-coded for reference, my eyeshadows organized by shade, and some needlepoint started. Instead I have half-ass attempts at getting it together. The piles of post-its are worse than ever! So I need to really get it together, for real.
One plus to being 30 is that I've noticed when I try and talk myself out of exercising, a part of my brain creeps in with "You're not getting any younger". Not in a mean way [I am president of my own fan club, always], but in a factual way. Seriously, I'm 30. This is so far applying to eyecream and exercising, and eating healthy - sort of. Just this July, AKA Newly Inspired July [even if I have to fake it], I have been pretty good - running yesterday and riding the bike today. Granted I had both days off, but the hope is that I get into a good groove through Sunday and then it carries over to the work week and FOREVER! Life changes are good it they are positive.
I will try and use this to hold me accountable, fingers crossed. Let's see, since forever ago what's changed. Not a whole lot, same house, same job [yay!], Ed and I still love eachother, no pets. New TV, my sister is a blessed human and decided to buy is a 40 inch flat screen for fun. Love her. Still go to trivia, family is still well and good. Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died last week. I'm only throwing that out there because I'm watching MTV on my giant television and there is a constant scroll of MJ news. We had an awesome vacation to Seattle/SF and while it's kind of sad to have nothing to look forward to, it's sooo nice to have that out of the way. I have something to talk about when people ask and nothing to pack or save money for for the balance of the summer. Work Lindsay and I are planning a Thelma & Louise trip to the West, but that is contingent upon us keeping our employment.
So it's July 2, let's recap so far and I need to promise to keep up on things better.
Wed 7/1
No work [mandatory PTO], got a new TV. Ran 2.2 miles in the mist [have I mentioned it does nothing but rain these days?]. Breakfast was scrambled eggs w/ cheese and 2 slices of toast, tea, some seltzery concoction. Spent the day shopping, treated myself to McDonalds post-Wal-Mart [does it get more American than that?] was so good. It was a day off, I like to have fully wonderful days off. Bad shopping and fast food were necessary to deal with the craptacular that Mother Nature was putting on outside. Ed came home and we ordered Pizza and had that with beer. I've taken to mixing my UFO with seltzer and lemonade and it is divine. So I had half a Pinky's basil and tomato and a small bowl of caesar salad and a beer. Not awful. I don't think I had desert, we have nothing in the house desert-worthy but I am so spacey lately that I can't remember.
Thu 7/2
Ondemand on my cable is busted. Comcast really sucks, I hope FIOS gets here quickly and is a big imporvement. Biked for 45 min while watching the end of The Money Pit, about 10 miles. I had a HEC on TJs whole grain toast and some tea and juice. I also had most of an apple [I used part of it to set new fruit fly traps, we have an issue this week due to an overripe pineapple and Darling's inability to use the trash can for disposal of food items]. I just had a slice of pizza for a late lunch. I need to eat more frequently I think, I got from full to starving and then full-full again and it's annoying. Add it to the list. Speaking of which, here are some current life goals:
Keep a better blog.
Eat fewer sweets, cut down from half the breadbasket to a piece.
Run or something every day.
Get up to a half marathon before it snows.
Get my budget and calendar in order.
I have a goddamn iPhone 3Gs [new, and I LOVE it], they must have an app for this.
Do dog research, not for now...but maybe like 2012. I like a long runway.
We're back to thinking bull terriers. They are badass.
Get rid of fruitflies in our house. This is nasty.
Maybe I should add "watch better TV" to my list. I just discovered Maria Full of Grace is on IFC. It has SUB-TITLES! I have never watched anything in my life with sub-titles. I think I've heard this is good, and I know it has something to do with drugs and teenagers, 2 themes I enjoy, so I'm going to stick it out. Very hard to type and read the television simultaneously so that's all for now. Gaudet, out!
Monday, April 27, 2009
20 Day Time Warp
Ran my 10k yesterday! Woo-hoo! It was EIGHTY-FIVE DEGREES. I'm not joking. In April, I was afraid it would be too cold but never even considered it feeling like July. A little preview of summer training I guess? I will def need to start waking up early. However, I ran the whole thing and didn't die or pass out so I call that a victory. 1 hr and 18 minutes, I came in like 1650 of 1750 - whatever. I wasn't last, I broke 1.5 hours and I didn't die. Goals = Met. Daddy was proud of me.
One goal I have not met is my weight loss. I think I am moving into hardass crazy pants diet for May [minus Vaca] and up until my birthday. This will be challenging in summer, BBQs and Sox games, but I really need to get lighter so I can run faster so I can EAT MORE> the ultimate goal.
For today, no exercise as my legs feel like Jell-O, I worked from home and had:
2 eggs fried in EB [late, brunch-ish]
2 sausage links
Cup of tea
some watered down juice
An apple
A yogurt
Dinner now, I am starving!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Last night I had an apple for "dessert"....sad. Stayed up way too late, playing some faux chocolate shoppe game on my phone. Couldn't sleep! Slept late, had a banana for breakfast. Roast beef wrap with a DC for lunch. Had a string cheese and drank dome of my drink. Just realized I didn't have my tea today. This combined with little sleep makes me feel as though I have Hit the Wall. Ugh.
Need to cut out soda, modify plans. I think I may ok the pizza tonight. I look forward to it every week and I've been so good. Running tomorrow. Hopefully it is warmer than today, god bless those fans that go to Opening Day. We won! I'm thrilled for baseball again, now the temps need to move in to Spring mode and we will be golden.
Off to cram womens college basketball facts.
Sent from my iPhone!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Opening Day!
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Westford was fine, it started pouring halfway through negating Opening Day. What else is new...April baseball, I am so ready for it but god it's still cold and shitty out. Hopefully spring gets here right quick.
Had some tea at work. Went to Chilli's for lunch, totally cheated and had Queso but had it with a salad and DC, whatever. Hydrated all day, good times. Got my toe's done for the first time ever. I know girls sweat that but I felt as though I was at the gynecologist, just with more guilt. Tense and nervous and I felt so bad for the girl and it was tickly and I hate situations when I feel like someone is my subserviant. Which weird for someone who wants to be queen, but like queen so I don;t have to do laundry not queen so you have to rub all this shizz on my toes and scrape stuff off. Acck. Won't be turning that into a habit. Glad Erin made me try it, I am averse to change and so I know it was good for me to do it. But not my cup of tea and frankly they're never gonna look awesome so I might as well DIY. Or DIM I guess, if it's me?
Got home, had a string cheese and more tea. Made myself a dinner of green beans in OO with garlic [Ed started it, I'll be honest - I nuke my veggies and put salt on them] and some fish strips. They were ehh....from WF and the TJ's ones are much better. Watching The Hills and drinking gatorade and craving a chipwich right now but no more cheating! Trivia will be a challenge tomorrow. I will get a wrap of some kind I imagine, or maybe steak tips? Whatever, maybe I can make a weekly exception. We'll's a pizza not a loaf of french bread right?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Season 3 of the Tudors
Headed down to Middleboro, has some more of my drink and a tasty Bud Light Lime. I will not admit it, becuase I spent last summer ridiculing him for this opinion, but the stuff is pretty damn good. And I loathe all Budweiser products so this is ringing endorsement. Very nice afternoon, balmy, llamas and they're all good people.
Had an apple on my way to 5 Keane. Daddy made me a small plate of parm-encrusted chicken, some baked lasagna and asparagus, with some more of my drink. Had a cup of mint tea. I just had a 100 calorie bag of popcorn [not great but took the edge off] and now I am having a yogurt and my evening cup of tea.
Ed booked our trip to Seattle/SF! I am excited, less douchey as I was about it Friday. I like to have 17 years to plan things, so curve balls [ie. finding out we're going to SF almost 2 months in advance....I am so nuts] make me wacky. But Ed edited carefully and made some decisions on his own [much better!] and we are good, I'm looking forward to it. Wish it was tomorrow instead of work...going to WF for the day, trying to get there early. Maybe even run beforehand? And then pedicures with Erin after work...I am so nervous.
Mixing this Taislim in with my far, I have no issues and see no miracles. We'll give it a bit. Whatever, works, right? As long as I don't develop a heart condition. Good night!
What is this big yellow ball in the sky?
Eggs with ham and cheese
A yogurt, probably an apple and banana [I really haven't been cheating, but my memory is suffering so I can't recall 2 days ago...]
Ed made a curry for supper with potatoes and beef, it was really yummy. The beef was tough but I had randomly bought it and have 0 idea how to buy a decent cut of meat. The sauce was amazing. I think we had strawberries for dessert.
It was dark and cold, rode the bike for like 10-11 miles? Lame.
For breakfast, I didn't want to eat greasy eggs and then go running so I instead had pineapple, blackberries, juice/water, a banana. We had a street meeting at 3 so at 1:45, I went for a "run" maybe did a mile? I hot a wall real quickly, probably ran-walked 2-3 total, I had zero energy, it was cold, I woke up with a sore throat.
Came home and went to the meeting, had LBS the whole time but it was interesting. I resisted the chips and salsa and chocolate chip cookies that looked AMAZING. Came home and made myself some Don't Knock It Till You've Tried It: toasted apples with american cheese and cinnamon and splenda [inspired by Michael Scott's Splenda N Scotch]. It was really good, I'll be honest. I think I had a yogurt too.
Went to Moulton's with Ed and Jen, it was delish. Had coconut shrimp, a crabcake, shrimp pomodoro [w/ linguine, SO GOOD - Carbs!!], and 2 glasses of Pinot Grigio. No dessert, no bread. Came home and had some strawberries with Splenda [MS] and some more juice/gatorade/whatever. Went to sleep at midnight.
Today is Sunday, so far so good. Got up at 10:40, had a banana and some watered down gatorade. Went for what should have been a 3.3 mile run and thanks to my sense of direction, or lack thereof, it was actually 4.7. It's beautiful out, my body had few "I'm going to die" moments, so I just went with it. Realized I'd gone to far when I saw the "Welcome to Winchester" sign. Whoops! Good route though, not totally flat but nothing back-breaking, and most of it had sidewalks [I'm learning the pitfalls of running!]. I do enjoy that I get to explore neighborhoods and look at houses when I run. I could actually learn to like this. I def like telling people how far I ran and having them respond with shock and/or praise.
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Just got home, did some stretching, had some eggs with mozzarella and sausage and a cup of tea and more of my gatorade-h2o-juice mix. Showering now and then off to a BBQ at the other Lindsay's house. It's gorgeous out, I cannot WAIT for summer!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Day 2
Today I had scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, some tea, some Gatorade mix thing. Went to Cambridge, made myself a salad for lunch...had that with a DC and was hungry but not blinding headachey starving, so ok.
Drove Ed and his dad to the bruins game, had a banana, hit up whole foods, had a yogurt. Rode the bike for 40 min or so, 12 miles. Showered and went to pick them up, just got home a few minutes ago.
Had some sushi and blackberries and more gatoradey mix. I'm starving, cranky. Watching Nip Tuck, ehh. Will run 3 miles tomorrow, maybe 4 Sunday? We'll see, for now I'm going to bed soon, thank god it's Friday.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
No Joke: No Sweets for a Month!
Won't get into the past half month, sheer laziness per usual. I sit and stare at a screen all day and vary my distractions and lately blogging hasn't been on my radar. New month, I am re-energized and motivated and ready to go. That might be the most redundant sentence I've ever composed, but I'm trying to rally...
To sum up the past couple weeks, I've been eating ok and working out probably 3-4 times a week, nothing good or progressive [i.e. more than 2 miles at once] but I've been consistent. Nothing crazy and gluttonous food-wise either, too much bread [always] and Ed and I did split a pint of B&J last night as a farewell to sugar for April [except Easter, already looking forward to it], but I now need to take radical action to see any of the changes I want to see.
April 1 is here, new diet and life plan. Way more jogging - 25 days till the 10k - ACCCKK!!!! No sugar, less..maybe no...bread, more fruits and veggies, less processed crap. No beer? Not sure why I threw that in, I only drink beer at trivia but it just makes me FEEL fat. I need to look good and feel good, I sound brainwashed but I am not. Just scared of turning 30.
Not of being old or a failure, just in being a blob of what used to be skinny and healthy. I evaluated my life station on my hellish drive to Westford today and I am actually quite content and happy, I am very lucky. Complaints would be that I have no pill to suddenly lose 30 lbs and gain muscle, and having to drive to Westford twice a week. These are not awful by any stretch.
I'll write up my diet details this weekend so I have to stick to it. Frankly, right now I'm tired from work and my run [2.3 miles, not on a track in drizzly 40s - woo-hoo!] and want to watch The Tudors and focus on anything besides the dessert I will not be having. I feel tired but pretty awesome, I just need some good and distracting audio and I can kind of go on auto-pilot. Plus running on the street was not nearly as bad a transition as I thought it would be. Here is what I ran:
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For consumption, oatmeal with SF syrup, milk and bananas. Katsu/sushi lunch box from Karma with gyoza, rice and soup [DC with lemon] with LR at lunch. No snacks, just an apple on the ride home and some Propel and tea all day. Drinking Propel now, will have a yogurt [sugar is ok in jam or yogurt...there is a method to my madnes, I just need to figure it out]. Ending my day with tea WITHOUT a sweet, a new habit I need to get into.
Ok, back to handsome Brandon Charles. God bless OnDemand.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Erin Go Bleerghhaackkk
WFH today, had some yogurt and tea for br, banana.
2 pieces WPF toast, more tea, some juice. Had PB&J on a tortilla, I like that even if Ed says it's totally weird. More juice, went for a run. Sucked at first, got better, got even better to the point that I thought I could do 2 miles but I bailed after halfway through my 7th lap [so 1.5 straight...not awful]. My plan is to be up to 2 miles this Saturday, then I guess start taking it to the streets?
Daddy says the course is flat, that's good. I will go on google maps and find a local flat course. I know it won't be a huge difference but the race is not on a track and that's all I've been running on. Today was a bit encouraging but exercise is still not the urge I wish it was in me. Alas. I will have to take some advil next time and maybe look into good muscle bananas? There have to be others. I am sore.
So hit up WF and had a salad of tomatoes, mozzarella and cucumbers and 2 big pieces of garlic toast on the WPF. Some kind of dill onion, it has big chunks of onion in it, not a fan comparatively. Not that it's stopping me from eating it. No trivia tonight due to St Patty's, next week. Now I am going to make some tea and have a sweet while I watch season 2 of The Tudors: a nice simple night. So far it's ok, except the king has a bad teenage mustache and more hair this season, not sure how I feel about that. Beyond that, mindless and medieval as usual.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
16th of March
So, Friday went to Beth and Laura's, had a wonderful spread of bread, cheese, hummus, veggies and red pepper dip. I was the DD [Ed and Laura get together and I have to drive? Shocking] so I only had a small glass of red, and then a glass of white. On our way home I naughtied it up with a #1 from Wendy's [split the fries and DC with Princess, he ordered his own Baconator]. Horrible for me, FF twice in 1 week and my knees hurt cause I'm too fat to run properly, but it was really, really good. Nothing beats fast food from a drive-through at 1:30 am.
Saturday morning, woke up late, Ed made me a pair of HECs on a bagel, had some juice. Hit the North Shore mall en route to sausage fest and grabbed a Starfucks Vanilla Roobois - not good, too herbal and floral, basically a tea bag with steamed milk which means they charge like $4 instead of $1.80. I'll stick with what I know going forward. Abstained from sausage and booze and otherness while at the party. Came home and had some chilli with lemon and jack cheese and sour cream. Ed had made it that morning, it was delicious. And I am very lucky to have a dude who cooks for me, and more than 1ce a day! I know this. Had some cookies and tea and a resses easter egg, no booze all day. Good, but what I miss in alcohol I am making up for in sugar. Damn me. I then had a Werther's in bed, and didn't brush after! I'm rotten and my teeth soon will be too.
Sunday was lazy per usual, woke up at 11:15 and felt my day was ruined already. DST is still screwing with me, and I am wrestling with the do I sell out and start waking up early on weekends or do I continue to sleep late on any day that I can? I have a wonderful life that this is my struggle. So, got up late, Ed made me HEC on a bagel, had some juice, watched TV. Went for a run with Princess a bit before 3. Walked to the track, did a couple laps, ran a mile straight, did a couple more laps, walked home. Had some more lemonade post run, went to my parents [stopped at TJs to buy more of those maple cookies for dessert - Ed forbid me from bringing them into our house but my parents' is a different story] and was starving when I got there. Shoved in a TJ Truffle brownie pre-dinner, had my Bob Gaudet glass of red wine. Ate our dinner with cranberry and seltzer - corn beef and cabbage, with potatoes in honor of St Patty's Day. For dessert, had a couple more brownies [they're small], a maple cookie and some mint tea. Drove home after my Sunday ritual, go to CVS and get gas [WILD!! Where is my cool life?] and had 2 WF b&w oreos with a cup of tea for my late evening treat [bad habit].
Today is Monday, I slacked all weekend. Went to Westford, had my bagel, some tea. Went to The Grill for a salad and cup of chowder with a DC. Had my banana, more tea. Got home and went to Home Depot [first time in a long time, nice], and then came back to some tritip and potatoes from the slow cooker. Followed this up with more b&w cookies, tea and half a reeses egg. I'm now catching up on Netflix...after we got cable I was at a standstill and just realized I've had my Netflix for like 3 weeks. Is that rude? Is there an etiquette? Anyhow, watching Nip Tuck, this could be the solution to my diet issues, the surgeries are just gross, I have to turn away.
Ok, off to bed after this, it's almost the Witching Hour. I failed at working out today so I HAVE to work out tomorrow. I was sore today, not sore enough to be a valid excuse but...anyway, tomorrow I HAVE TO WORK OUT...ugggghhhhhhhhhh.
Friday, March 13, 2009
In keeping with my quote last night to "eat healthier"
Wow blather, I am in a vile mood. Worked from home again today, won't even get into the last time I showered, let's just say it definitely wasn't today. People who don't work from home sweat it, understandably, but it is a VORTEX, so easy to get sucked into. I pity the fool who accuses me of not working when I'm home, I swear I work twice as hard. But yeah, day was nuts, fires all day, everyone needs everything yesterday and I kept getting major attitude and having to bother people I like unnecessarily about trivial assholery. Glad it's done.
Heading to Beth and Laura's in a bit, having some vino and bread and cheese, that will put me in a good mood. And they have Charlie the dog and a kitten, well cat now, and I love pets. Ok, so no exercise, I suck. Food:
Bagel w/ EB and CC, tea, yogurt, juice with seltzer
More tea, a maple cookie
LC of butternut squash [ehh]
4 WF B&W sandwich cookies [not as good as the maple but I could eat them for days too], more tea
Just had an apple and some homemade lemonade with mint [YUM YUM YUM]
Off to bathe so I don't embarrass my boyfriend in front of his friends, which is saying a lot cause cleanliness has never been his strong suit.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Why go running when the drive-thru at McDonald's is so much more convenient?
Had some TJ's maple cream cookies [OMG, new favorite] and tea and that's that. Should be able to eat healthier this weekend now that we actually have groceries. I am a blob of boring nothingness, I should learn to not write when I have nothing to say.
Busy busy!
Anyhow, it was Monday and now it's almost Friday. I went to WF Tuesday and Wednesday and worked from home today. Trivia Tuesday night, Jenny Dee show last night and then we hung out with Pickles and Krotty until like 2 am [I was reminded this morning that I am old and that's why I don't do that anymore...and I only had 3 drinks, it was not a wow i was so wasted unpleasantness, more like, wow i got little to no sleep and it's only Thursday unpleasantness]. I'm tired, I have exercised all week either. PLAN PLAN PLAN. I plan to plan and still can't get it done, uggh.
Ok so Tuesday: cafe bagel w/ lite cc [gross], tea, pad see euw and a DC for lunch at a new Thai place up there, very decent. Had some reeses and tea, went to trivia had 4 slices of my pizza [better than the whole 8, right?] and 3 beers. Came home and had more reeses and tea. I am nothing if not predicatble, but writing it down is getting almost embrarrassing.
Wednesday: bagel w/ EB, sushi with LR [chicken katsu, miso soup, mini crab rangoon, sushi, salad] and a DC. More reeses, more tea. Came home and had a banana and 2 waffles for dinner. Ooh, I had 1 gin and tonic after work with the WF crew, at the grill. It was good, I hate that I have to drive home from there because I would've had 1 or 3 more. Had my waffles, went to the Middle East at 9, had 2 more gin and tonics, got bless Pete the bartender that we know, he makes a good cocktail! Went to Crossroads after and they had more beer, I had the diet coke and then OJ at their penthouse [I love that I just typed that!] and by the time we headed home I was dead sober and so tired. Refrained from McD's on the way home, which was particularly impressive as the way Ed got me to stay out way to late was saying we could stop. But I need it like I need a hole in the head. And by not going, I got to describe how I could eat my own arm right about now and make him feel bad. Got home, went to bed, awesome.
Today, had some eggs with american cheese and a last slice of WPF. Had a yogurt, some instant breakfast. Made a PB&J tortilla for a late lunch but I'm starving and honestly the only reason I havent eaten more today is that Princess had the car and we have zero food. So with that, I'm off to grocery shop. I will try and err on the side of healthy. I think I'm going to do TJs and Shaws, we will be stocked up by the weekend; I heart food!
Monday, March 9, 2009
When I grow up, I want to be a dirty hippy!
Controversy, schmontroversy, I'm siked. I could care less about the pollution as long as it's not excessive [I live it a city, part of that is that it's dirtier here than the country - deal with it]. The commuter rail is already loud, I've learned to live with it. I do not need a parking garage considering I can walk to 2 of the stops. And by the time I'm 40 I will have a 15 minute ride into the city and never have to deal with parking. I am excited. And hello property values. Again, I'll believe it when I see it [and if those m-fers try to come in and take some of my yard, I'll go crazy...but I can't see how they would, geographically?], but it's nice to be at the start of something and I feel like we are. Everyday I feel better and better about our decision to get this place, not that I had remorse or regret upon buying, but I would say I was just scared. If you fuck up buying a house, you are kind of screwed. Anxiety and my brain are like moth to the flame up in my head. So yeah, I keep hugging Ed and telling him how happy I am that we made a good choice and that I think we made the right decision and it's wonderful. He is like "Umm, yeah that's why we bought it and moved in 6 months ago" and per usual, thinks I'm totally weird.
Anyhow, so that was my night. Worked from home today to not have to deal with the Wintry Mix. Barf. It was a blessing as the gas guy came by and needed to get in the basement [I'm still convinced it was some kind of set-up; I am my mother's daughter] AND warned me that after 7 am tomorrow, we will not be able to get out of our driveway and we should park up the street. So fingers crossed that our car is still there in the AM [and un-tampered: lots of car horror stories lately]. I will get a permit this week, I have slacked on that but I blame the RMV and their confusing registration policy.
Ok, so had some oatmeal with bananas and syrup for breakfast. Had some tea and some juice. For lunch, I had 2 thin slices of the WPF bread with butter and cream cheese. However, wayyy less B & CC than I usually use. So yay. Then I had a yogurt and more tea. I think that was all, my memory is shot. Oh wait, I tried to have cup of soup but it was gnarly [too much water and then I'd tried to bolster the pasta quotient].
I ran 4 Wii-miles and showered and went to my meeting. Had some sushi from WF after, and some strawberries [so good, so worth the $4 - it's like spring in my mouth] with splenda. A vodka juice cocktail, light on the vodka...Intervention always inspires me to drink. Maybe to remind myself that unlike the poor souls on TV, I can stop after 1? I am beyond thankful for that, everyday, I cannot imagine being an addict, it's got to be exhausting and sucktacular. Anyhow, just had some crusty french bread with butter [fresh baked at WF...yummm] and some mozzarella, tomatoes and OO/vinegar with spices and S&P. So good.
I will be having a couple sandwich cookies too, they were cheap and looked delish. It's like 11:30 now though, I need to knock off the late eating. In fairness, it feels like 10:30. Which means I need to go to bed. I hate DST, seriously. When it gets warm it will be better, right?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Another Wasted Weekend
I never finish things either, like organizing my stupid online photos or fixing my floor - got some staining done today but I apparently need to buy varnish separately? wtf. I think I may have over-sanded too, thus cementing why I never do anything - I'm afraid of screwing it up. So, I'm calendaring and logging my post its ALL OF THEM by Tuesday at trivia, that is a hard deadline and I'm treating it like a work deadline. Nobody is going to kick my ass but me.
Sorry for the bitch-fest, let's refocus and get positive again. I woke up thinking it was 10 but it was 11 [daylight savings], made breakfast: scrambled eggs and some WPF dill/potato/onion toast with butter and juice and tea. Very good, made some for Princess and he was still sleeping so I brought it up to him in bed, I am a good girlfriend. Did some floor crap, laundry, tried to clean - failed miserably. Ed brought Jack over and we went for a walk around the block, it was beautiful out today, like 60 degrees, I am so stoked on Spring. Wintry Mix on its way tomorrow during the morning commute hours...oh wait, I'm supposed to be staying positive, right? Came home, did almost 4 miles of Wii jogging and my arms. Princess critiqued my arm exercise technique, I told him to shut the fuck up and mind his business. I know my technique sucks, I'm working on building stamina and strength and then I'll improve the form. Logic and reason are overrated.
Had some more juice, some Werther's, showered, took the pointless drive to TJs, went to WF. Got some steak for supper - we had steak and mustard sauce with asparagus and rosemary french fries. Very good, Ed is an excellent chef. Had some rum drinks and bread and butter after, then 1.5 Newman PB Cups and some of their dark chocolate, neither was good - noted for next time. Just had some tea, watching some HBO. This Eastbound and Down show is genius, god bless fancy overpriced cable.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A good Saturday
Based on an email from me to him, earlier this week, asking for this:
So good. Had that and some juice and water. Hung out for a bit, did 15 minutes Wii yoga. Still overweight, I have been hovering around the same 5 pound range forever - whatever. Went "jogging", which was watching to the Tufts track and walking around once and running around twice, walking home. Ed says this is a half mile [1/4 mile per lap], ehh. Not super impressive but I don't want to over-exert and sadly more than that would probably do the trick. Plus I can go back tomorrow and do 3 laps. I was glad to do some distance with no stopping. So woo-hoo!
Had some Instant Breakfast, cleaned up, did my arms, showered and got ready for Aunt Lorraine's party. t was lovely, good turn out and those old people have some nice digs! And they can dance! It was very nice. Had some beef, chicken, ziti, salad and cookies. Had 2 glasses of wine and a tea. Then Caroline and I went to Ed's parents, saw the family and Baby Vinny, he is cute. Had a mini cupcake there.
Now we're watching East Bound and Down, it is pretty damn funny. I am back to starving so will likely eat shortly. I'm thinking popcorn but maybe bread? Ed got some WPF earlier today. After that, off to sleep!
Sandrine's is the new Chez Henri
I was apprehensive about my outfit [jeans and chucks and my homeless winter hat], but there was no problem. The hostess sat is at a table for 2 in the rear with no one next to us. The tables had plenty of room around them, this is important in a smallish space. Our waitress came right over. I am totally moving to waitressing if I ever get laid off. She was nice, and knowledgeable and attentive and polite and I love now her. After we ordered we were chit-chatting and she said the staff guesses what people will order when they walk in and apparently her colleague pegged us. She also mentioned that they were both gunning for us to sit at their tables. Apparently we look laid back, hungry and like we like nice wine. If I could be described as those 3 words for the rest of my life, it might be pretty accurate. Nevertheless, I was very pleased that we come off as a good table even before we sit down.
So yeah, she was awesome as was THE FOOD. Rad crusty bread and butter to start [with the offer of a refill, we declined but I love when it's offered]. We started with this Tarte Flambee thing with scallops and bacon. OMG, yes. It had onions all over it which made me apprehensive but yum yum yum. We had a salad, also super good and Princess picked out a wonderful red wine, I of course have no idea what it was but it was great. Ed ordered some fois groie, I tried it becuase despite my taste bud, I'm not 5. It was ok, but still to cat foody for me. Ed loved it. For meals, I got Pork Cordon Bleu and Ed got the lamb chops. Everything was perfect and delish, the beans were tender but cooked and seasoned right and there was this amazing merlot sauce. Ed's was yummy too, really tender and with potatoes and squash.
I had a glass of riesling with dinner and then an Orange muscat for dessert. We ordered this chocolate cake thing, super simple but dense and rich, with vanilla ice cream and caramel and fudge sauces. SO good, not that we had room to finish it but it was the perfect cap to the meal. Walked back to the car very full and very happy. A great night!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Back to Being The Laziest Blogger Alive
Tuesday night: Had my pizza and 3 beers. We SUCKED at trivia, it was just Martin and myself and in fairness, the questions were hard and it was more that our wagering was way off. Alas.
Wednesday: Bagel with earth balance, some tea. Busted into the Reeses early, had 2. Went to Chillis and had queso and a buffalo chicken salad with 2 DCs. Gross, well the queso was good but the salad...not so much. Went to an energy saving seminar after work, had 2 slices of pizza and some water. Came home, had a yogurt and some sushi from WF. No exercise today either. Had some Werther's, those are becoming a problem.
Thursday: Ate nothing until like 1, then a banana and some DD tea. Made myself a HEC on an everything, very good. Had some yogurt and some juice/water. Ate an apple for a snack. Ed came home and whipped up some noodles with beef from the slow cooker. Then I just had some tea and some of those chocolate butter biscuit cookies and a Fiber 1 bar. That's where I am now. Kind of blah, ready for Friday.
We are going to Chez Henri tomorrow for our 5 year anniversary! Holy Crap. Feels like a decade. Just kidding, I really can't believe it's been so goddamn long. Very excited for good food and warmer temps! I need a weekend stat...and a vacation.
I am so lazy that I wrote all of this last night and didn't even post it so here is a quick follow up for Friday thus far. Wrote myself a post-it last night to wake up, run, do my arms, pack a lunch. Yeah... Snoozed twice, took a shower, barely made it out of the house by 9 [not that I'm on a tight schedule but it's Friday bitches, I want to get shizz done]. Had my HEC from finagle, consistently delicious. Had some tea, had some seltzer. Had a packet of oatmeal with a banana for lunch [I'm gorging tonight] and just had a Werther's. I'm running OUTSIDE tomorrow, mark my words. Now off to 50 degrees and my lovely boyfriend at Chez Henri. And I re-ordered good cable, I'm so typical.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Woke up late, scrambled so Ed would have time to shower in hot water and then Ed decided to text his boss and sleep in so my rushing was for not. Just kind of a whatever morning followed by an equally shitastic day. Too much traffic, I am debating whether we shoveled enough and feel like a bad neighbor, too much work, like NUTTY, again today! Spent too much $$ on food: breakfast was an everything bagel w/ Earth balance and light CC and some tea both from Dunkies. Work work work and then caf for lunch - gross. Had a ham and mustard wrap, chips, a pickle and a diet snapple. Gross. More tea, my teeth are gnarly and I swear they have a yellow-ish sheen to them that is getting worse and worse. I have totally let myself go.
Had like 3 or 4 mini Reeses late afternoon, along with a Werthers and a banana on the ride home. Did my facebook/channel 7 expose around 4, still can't decide if that's a poor choice or not. Time will tell, I guess. Still love the snowblower guy. My house is cold - I'm home now, heading to trivia shortly. I'm eating a yogurt. Just found out Erin and Josh are moving to LA. Very exciting but I am a little sad to lose a friend geographically. Whatever, I never get out West and this will be more incentive to go visit. And it's warm so I'm totally jealous already. Not that I don't love Boston, I'm never leaving.
So that's where I stand, no exercise again today and I'm in a bad mood. It's like 10 degrees out. Barf. Work was chaotic, I hate rushing around for stuff that actually doesn't need rushing, I hate taking steps in order to insure something is done a certain way and then seeing them done differently, I hate that some days I have so much to do and other days it's like a pin has dropped. I sound like such a brat! Maybe I am the "kids" I hate so much...yeesh.
I am so thankful to have a job and love the people I work with and my company is very, very decent [still don't understand most of what we sell and the teenage FTW in me will not let me entirely buy into a giant corporate ideal - but good benefits go a LONG way in my book]. I am just kind of in an annoyed rutty funk. I need to do something, I am already dreading that I'll manage to waste our time off, when it's something I really need an could put to good use. I need to start meditating or some shizzz. Off to the bar!
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Kindness of Strangers
And when I did go out to shovel, somebody had already snowblowed my whole walk way! We had done some to get the car out for Ed this AM but it definitely snowed after and some super nice person decided to help us out. I am so touched, especially after the jackass that destroyed my sister's rear windshield Saturday night. The worst part is, I think the party responsible for the kindness is the dude I refer to as the meth-head that loves behind us. I'm obviously totally kidding and just trying to be funny, but will abstain from that moniker going forward. I need to give humanity a chance, I just get so bogged down with the bad stories, octo-moms and vile behavior. This made my day. Which was particularly welcome in a day that was cold and snowy and I felt nutty the whole day.
I still haven't caught up on anything, and feel overwhelmed with life. We have some weird leak going down to the basement - fun times. I got some laundry in but no exercise beyond the shoveling, my shins still hurt. And I am already sucking with my March-I-run-outside resolution - thanks mother nature. I need to attempt to do the Magoun's 5k one of these Thursdays, maybe 4/16, that's a good mini-goal. Plus it gives me 10 days to get it together if it's overly painful.
Ok so had some waffles for late lunch and more ta, some juice. Ed came home and made us salads and we had those and half a TJs pizza each. I am STARVING. How can I not eat all day and then suddenly want to ravage a grocery store once it hits 7 pm? No good. I am having a yogurt now and may crack into my early marshmallow easter bunny [per Bob Gaudet] with some more tea shortly.
Watching Season 2 of The Wire now, again. I love this shit, even though I think I've now seen this season 3 times at least. I have no NetFlix and I realized I have yet to see Season 5 so I need to get going with refreshing. Love it! Maybe a new Intervention at 9...and then Monday will be over.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
When did I get so lazy?
Yesterday I did 20 minute Wii-Run, almost 3 miles straight [today, day after, my calves HURT - but I didn't stretch and I haven't been running so it's understandable] and did my arms. For food:
HEC on a bagel [Princess made it for me, he is wonderful]
Tea, juice, and apple
That was all till supper: Ed made homemade boursain and we had that and roast beef and tomato on WPF focaccia - SO GOOD. I could eat it for years. Had some Guertziminer and some old chocolate I had hidden [not good, 2 bites and tossed it]. Watched "Burn After Reading" and had some popcorn and more juice...went to bed pretty early. My sickness was getting better but has been worsening today [Sunday] so I'm trying to get more and more sleep. Not the worse punishment.
Today, kind of lounged around and has some more focccia with boursin and butter for breakfast [life is so hard], and some juice and a Werther's. I shoveled the teeny but of snow we had, not really anything close to working up a sweat. then went to Ed's parents, had some BBQ chicken from the crock pot. Went home, had a couple grapes, went to the Chestnut Hill Mall. Came home, had supper: steak, squash, lasagna, broccoli, bread, some wine and some juice/h20. Had a couple of those chocolate french butter cookies and a dipper from TJ's with some after dinner orange tea. Yum! I did feel incredibly nauseous after, but I think that's cause I had like 4 cookies after a low consumption day and giant dinner. I need to learn self-control.
Just got home, watching trashy tv and going to bed soon. Had some garlic naan with earth balance and some more juice. Can't wait to WFH and SHOVEL tomorrow. Barf.
Friday, February 27, 2009
BFNP [Boring Friday Night Post]
I'm on my 3rd sequential episode of Bad Girls Club and getting ready for bed. So here's what I ate exercise, but I did get some laundry done this morning.
Bagel, with tea
Fiber 1 bar
Udon noodles
2 Malibu Monsoons
Chicken katsu w/ rice
M&M chipwich
More juice, I'm super thirsty today - weird. I'm having more now.
Ok, this Aliea girl on BGC is craaazy and like funny crazy, she tries to be hard and looks like an angry 6 year old with bad highlights. I waste so much time wtaching TV. I should re-focus; here goes: Tomorrow, jogging, arms, home depot, clean, fix my floors. Maybe Old Navy. Although I just paid off my bills [relatively speaking...ha], why do I insist on spending more and more money immediately? Acck.
Someone is playing horrible techno music outside or in their apartment or something, I can hear it in my living room. Annoying. Hopefully it stops shortly, Princess will be displeased if he hears it when he gets home. Beyond that, no news is good news. Oh but I guess they're digging up my street for a month starting Monday, that will be an adventure. TGIF - Off to bed before my sickness that is waning starts to wax!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Longest Week EVER
Yesterday was Wednesday, went to Westford. Had my bagel, a couple cups of tea [I feel like I'm getting sick...not crippling just kind of ugh since Tuesday night]. Went to Papa Ginos for lunch - so good but way too much food, I had 2 slices and a Papa Roll, with a full-sugar Cherry Coke. The coke was less than awesome, I was sad to have wasted calories. But overall, a good meal. I wanted a pull out couch in my cube after but that's what a full meal will do midday.
Came home and had a Fiber 1 poptart and some fish sticks while watching the TC finale. I hate Hosea, that's all I'm saying about it. Had some Chef Boyardee MacnCheese from a can that had that artificial gross taste that I can tolerate from the ravioli, not so much from the Mac. It was gross, I still ate maybe 2/3 of the can, I'm like a stray dog, I swear. Had a couple more V-Day candies and some more tea. My teeth are going to be dark brown by 2010. Did 11 miles on the bike and my arms too [not doing bad with the moving lately, progress!].
Which brings us to today - Thursday. I had some tea, some juice and water - so trying to flush out the SICKNESS. I really do not want to be sick for the weekend. Had 2 blueberry waffles with EB and SF syrup. Went into Cambridge and got a HEC on an everything bagel and 2 more cups of tea.
We had our company rah-rah. Mandatory vacation, not awesome but there are worse things happening in this economy - way worse. I never take my time off anyway, this will force me and could e a good thing. Mini trips and house projects! I always think, I just need a break, this will be several breaks. Oh and I keep eating Werther's Originals randomly through the day, I'm 98 years old inside.
Had my yogurt too, and more tea and a Fiber1 bar. Came home and had some noodley thing Ed made and some chicken and MORE tea. Acck. Had some juice and then tea and some of those Petit Ecole chocolate cookies - those are the shit. No exercise today, I feel run down and will be working from home tomorrow. Laundry and biking while I slave away. I need to get my act together training-wise, I have like 8 weeks to learn how to run 10 kilometers. I know I can do 5, not sure about right now and god the concept of running outside is scaring me but it will make my dad so happy. And I inherited my dad's braggard tendencies and will loooove telling people that I finished it.
Ok, that's it. I'm going to finish this episode of Nip/Tuck and go to bed. Hope to wake up feeling much improved.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
6 Older Siblings
I'm tired, it was a long day filled with the iCycle impending doom and completion - briefly because I am going to bed like now:
arms in the AM, 45 min spinning in town at 4
bagel, tea, a yogurt
PB&J burrito
some water
6 triscuits
ramen noodles
4 left over pieces of v-day candy
more tea
that was my day // good night!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Is it May yet?
Anyhow, so I went to Shaw's after work, around 6 and by then I had the LBS shakes pretty badly. Thanks, salad! Upon arriving home, I shoved down a Fiber 1 pop-tart [delish, still not sure if I trust these Fiber 1 things, but people seem to sweat them. Who would've thunk that Fiber would become cool or trendy or appealing? Marketing is an odd and weird kind of geniusy field] and that helped immensely. Then I made one of those quick stove-top pastas in the bag - alfredo and I threw some tomato in there, it was really good but I was also like drool-starving [I'm copyrighting that] so who knows. I just had some cinnamon raisin toast and some tea for dessert. Yum. I think I'm done for the day? I wanted a cocktail when I got home and did not have one so brownie points there. God, now I even sound like an alcoholic. Yuck.
Tomorrow is the iCycle. I'm doing a bagel to carb up [love the justification games my mind plays] and then a 3 we head in town. Fun times. We'll see. I started to actually write down my "training plan" for the 10k. i am a bit nervous but honestly felt unprepared for the 5k and managed that without dying or even hurting too much the next day. I've realized a huge part of my procrastination is that I neglect to cement things - like write them down, make that appointment, call whomever. Instead I dilly-dally and obsess. Not sure why my brain prefers the latter but I've never claimed to understand my brain. Also, I keep forgetting everything. Mid-blog, I remembered something I want to blog, and now I have zero idea. That is terrifying. More crosswords and solitaire and scrabble.
Diners, Drive-ins and whatever on Food Network is making me so hungry. They just featured mozzarella sticks in Atlanta that are wrapped in pasta pre-fry. OMG. I'm looking up tickets on Expedia right now, not joking.
Eh: And then there was Monday
So, I rode the bike yesterday for 11 miles [about 40 min] and did my arms. Those are getting less annoying, still not easy but not torture. I still feel sick after completing them, hoping that goes away. I do like that under my grandma-flab, I can feel my muscles. If only the stomach muscles reacted as quickly as the biceps and triceps. Oh well.
Let's see what else, yesterday I think I had some juice and H20 with my workout. Then I went to my parents and had some wine, glass of red and glass of white [my mom informed me that I have "loose lips" when I drink, making me feel like a total alcoholic, so I'm going to cut back even more on the boozing]. Then we had a supper of white wine coq au vin, bread, broccoli and asparagus and some noodles. It was delicious. Then I had some orange, tea, a few truffles and an oatmeal cranberry dipping cookie for dessert. Had some juice and water as well. Got home and tried starving but then folded and had some microwave popcorn and seltzer. Then I had 4 tiny chocolate hazelnut squares from WF. Went to bed, slept ok. I hate Mondays, especially when they're covered in ice.
Today: Had my bagel and earth balance [gross!], some tea and a reeses mini. I just had lunch, a gross salad and tiny crust of bread with a diet snapple. I am just repeating in my head, You will be fat in June every time I want pizza or more cheese or fries. Pfffttttt...misery is not eating what you want to eat. Once i get in slightly better shape I can eat more bread. More bread!!
Back to work.........
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Piles of Post-It's
Today I made some WPF cinnamon raisin french toast and had that and a yogurt for breakfast with some tea. And some Cadbury Mini-Eggs, because we all know that's a breakfast staple. I had some seltzer and juice, and just had a couple more cups of tea. I am catching up [again] on Season 2 of Big Love and will watch the last episode on my current NetFlix while biking in about a half hour. The 10k is 4/26 and I am SLACKING. Supposed to start running outdoors next weekend. I did 10 miles yesterday and my arms, plus 10 minutes on the Wii Fit. Oooh, and I somehow agreed to stationary bike outside on Tuesday afternoon for charity. I only have to do a half hour, but it's supposed to be a whopping 33 degrees, tops. Joy!
Ok, I'm kind of ehh now, bad case of the Sundays. Bad case of the Winter Sundays. I need a kick in the ass but I think I have to do it myself, ugh. Heading to my parents in a bit, more later.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I should be at Trivia
I just onDemanded a new Platinum Weddings. I should caveat - I am not obsessed with getting married myself. I'd definitely like to be married someday, to Mr. Ed, and it will happen in some way or another. I'm more looking forward to a honeymoon of nothingness. I am going to an island without cell service for like a month. Or Italy for like a month. By I, I mean we - see why I shouldn't be getting married yet? However, I do loooove me some Platinum Weddings, Bridezillas, Rich Bride/Poor Bride, etc. I just find it fascinating, in the same way I love bad celebrity gossip. Anyhow, they just had their rehearsal dinner in a Wine Cave. I want a wine cave! Where do I get that?
Ok, so I left off on Sunday Night. The Steelers won, whatever. I had some thai food from a place nearby. Garlic Chicken Udon noodles, some veggie dumplings and some shumai. Really good, excited we found it. Then I had some tea and 2 reeses, a could of Dove caramels [gone now, thank god], no exercise duh.
Monday was another no exercise day, I hate Mondays. Worked from home, had my bagel, a yogurt, a banana, lots of tea and juice. Ed and I split a loaf of WPF garlic dill bread with butter for dinner. I know, not the best but this cold and dark crap is making me want to just CONSUME. And not move. Uggghh. Starting to run outside March 1. I was supposed to get organized, so I am going to calendar my life tonight, I'm already a month in and I have nothing, sad. Anyhow, had a couple of Reeses and some tea before bed.
Today I had an apple, my bagel, some tea, did 10 miles [35 min] on the bike, did my arms [still feel nauseaous after, is this what "pushing yourself" feels like? I don't like it]. Let me tangent, this endorphin bullshit is exactly that - bullshit. Exercise makes me angry, I hate it, I hate the time it takes up, I hate the way it makes me sore and tired. We'll see, I'm hoping I get through this and move into that blissful land that healthy skinny people seem to exist in. Right now it's just annoying and aggravating.
Back to food, had some juice and H2O for my workout and then some oatmeal with syrup [sugar free..meh] and bananas for a late lunch. I just had 1 square of Shaw's frozen pizza [not Roachies, but it's close]. And I ordered a large pizza, salad and some mozerella sticks from Angelina's that are on their way. I'm bad. I need some kind of kick in the ass, the Wii-fit ain't cutting it. Enough with the ranting, once the snow stops I'll feel better. Now back to MTV True Life "I'm in a love triangle". Who could ask for anything more?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super[?]bowl Sunday
This morning I had some IB early, some tea, a bagel and some tomato-cheesey-eggs courtesy of Princess. Then I made myself some grilled cheese mid-afternoon and had some juice/seltzer. I went through my correspondence [a constant in my life] and took the dog out a few times. I Wii-fitted for 42 minutes including a 20 minute, 2.5 mile faux run; and I did my arms. I have felt sick since...weird. I waited like an hour and half after eating to work out but I still feel kind of sick. And the grilled cheese was p-e-r-f-e-c-t, cooked just right, not greasy just amazing.
It may be a combo of work dread and I've been up since 7:45. I am definitely not ready for a dog. When I feel I am ready, we will be getting the most lethargic animal ever and patching the holes in the fence. A dog door, and we're golden. Although I must say, Mia is sleeping on Ed's legs right now while he naps [SHOCK] on the couch and it's pretty damn cute.
Ok, off to look up chinese restaurants in Medford on Yelp. Between that, laundry and emptying out my Yahoo, things are getting craaa-zzy. Bah.
Wow I missed a week.
So it's been a bit since Saturday…about which, I remembered I had an apple during the day as well. For my Saturday night date with my couch [we're almost going steady], I had that yogurt, some tea, some peas with butter, 2 chocolates and some water. Went to bed earlyish and read, Ed was at a party at Mark's until 2 or so.
Sunday, I did 30 minutes of biking to IASIP, did some of my arms and weighed myself on the Wii-Fit. Went to the parents and had some beef, potatoes, gravy, broccoli, a roll w/butter, wine, some juice, and a teeny cup of mint chocolate Dove ice cream. Got home and had some Chex mix, more tea, 2 dove chocolates, and more juice. Do I eat too much? I don't think I eat so much BAD stuff as my portion control is in fact out of control. That will be the name of my first diet book once I get skinny - patent-pending so hands off, bitches. I just get so rude and angry and lifeless when I don't eat enough. Like my dad does correct portions but then I come home and eat a snack, or 7. Not good - when will I inherit my parents' good habits? Accckkk.
Quick review of the week, pretty boring:
I had some instant breakfast, my bagel, some tea, some juice.
Worked from home and had some chili over rice w/ jack cheese.
More tea, a giant hunk [like 2.5 good size pieces] of bread and butter for dinner.
Then some more tea and a SKOR bar. B&B for dinner = heaven.
Bagel w/ B&C, some Tea
99 for lunch half a RB sandwich and some salad, with free popcorn [can't say no] to start and a diet coke.
I think I had a banana when I got home?
Went to Trivia: had my pizza and 3 beers and we suuucked it and lost hardcore.
I W'dFH again and made some bomb-ass [1996 lingo] WPF French toast
This filled me up and I had it pretty late so I had Udon noodles as a snack.
And then a Bagel w/B&C for dinner [what?]
A Banana, 2 dove chocolates, some tea
Water, juice, throughout the day; some riesling and some popcorn during Top Chef.
Wow, in review I did zero exercise Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday: BAD. I need cable in the Offigym [just christened it that] STAT.
Went to WF, had my Bagel and some Tea
Some H20, hit up McD's for my happy meal for lunch
Ed made Burritos for dinner [yum - and I only had one because they're FILLING]
We split a dessert Watchamacallit….ooh and I had a couple of Mini-Reeses on the way home
56 min on bike [16 miles] // Arms [20 reps of each]
No exercise
Finagle big-ass HEC w/ Bacon on an everything, DD Large Tea
Seltzer throughout the morning [keeps me awake]
Med chili from ABP [mehh], Diet Pepsi
Teeny square of Bob's lasgna [made up for the chili]
1 Piece of scali bread and butter
Dessert was a mini-slice of carrot cake and a mini-éclair. Both were delicious, and local: have I mentioned I LOVE Medford? F the North End, it's so much easier to park here.
And we got a turbine! Yes, let me tangent for a moment: we now have a large and in charge, and very visible wind turbine in the back of one of our schools on 93. I am very proud of my new city, I think this type of stuff actually makes a dent in a potential issue, in a responsible and non-obnoxious way. It's a smart and future-thinking idea and I think it cost over half a million dollars but I am totally ok with that [my brain rarely allows crazy spending like this under the strict confines of my old-white-man POV]. I was siked to see it tonight on my way to my parents, I did a small cheer. The more I live here, the more I feel really comfortable and pleased with our decision. Time will tell, but I am really siked to be a happy homeowner, even if it means sitting on my couch blogging in Target clearance rack pajama pants on a Saturday night. Which is what I'm back to doing right now. In fairness, I've shopped the clearance rack since Targets came here [Oh-Happy-Day! I've been watching way too much Big love lately]. It's also cold and I prefer hibernating to pretty much anything else right now but….
Come to think of it, I'm actually in a much better mood now [Saturday night, even though my time line above is only up to Friday - sorry, I'm confusing] than I was when I started this earlier this week. I love visiting my parents and sleeping late, 2 things this weekend has allowed already. Now I am dog-sitting and will not be able to sleep in tomorrow, but hopefully I can go back to bed. Or actually make my Sunday productive and wake up early. That's no fun! We'll see how early I get up.
Back to Friday/yesterday: Small post-work trip to Desfina: couple pieces of calamari, one amazing piece of uber-garlic bread w/ tomatoes, some fries with mayo [yes, mayo]. I also had 2 glasses of wine, which reminds me I had a Corona and come chaaaaadonnay at work [earnings meeting in a recession, needs booze]. We came home and I had a mini-reeses or 2, I think? One of those Fridays, and I'm learning the recap is not my string suit anymore. Sad. I did a drunken walk to Whole Foods around 9pm. For some Cinnamon Bun Ben and Jerry's - which prompted me to shout its delicious merits while consuming it last night. It is amazing, I wish it had 0 calories.
Now as I mentioned, today is Saturday. Darling woke me up with a HEC on a bagel. Had some Tea and Juice. Ate a Banana pre-workout. And a Reeses mini. Went to my parents and had killer LBS en route so I ate an apple. At 5 Keane, had a glass of Wine, really awesome Cook's recipe baked ziti, some WPF ciabatta that I brought. Speaking of which, newsflash of the century is that if I could stop eating bread products - not even all carbs, just frigging bread - I'd look like Kate Moss. It doesn't seem that much when I eat it, even though I know I'm being naughty. But then I have to type this and read it and spell check and I'm just like "Sheeit, I'm lucky I don't look like Jabba The Hut". Back to supper: broccoli and chicken in a lemon glaze rounded it out. I had some cranberry juice and then we had teeny pieces of a WPF [yes, also me] Chocolate bread Pudding cake with some mint chip Dove ice cream and peppermint tea for dessert. Yummy! I came home and had some tea and cinnamon-sugar scali toast [with Smart Balance and surprisingly ok - I had 2 pieces]. I was late for dinner because I worked out to episode 3 of The Tudors today: 12.5 miles on bike [40 min] and my armcersises [I'm on a roll tonight!] - 20 reps of each per arm.
That's it, my head is spinning and it's 12:20 so I'm going to take Miss Mia out and go to bed. Tomorrow is the Super Bowl, I would care less. Although the Phantom Gourmet guys are making me want to eat a spread the size of a small state. I will try to resist. I need to get things done tomorrow, I am so sick of weekend where I accomplish nothing, it's pretty much every weekend. I need something to kick me in the ass. And I need to win the lottery. Excuse my typos and nonsense, long and dull week. Hopefully February is the New January. TTFN!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Just another cra-zy Saturday night
Today was wasted trying to get Red Sox tickets, I love my team, and I love paying face value. I got in a few times but only was able to get section 35 [barf] or SRO and the tried to get better and got booted. Whatever, it would've been more on the credit card and I'm trying to save, right? So yeah, had some Instant Breakfast and tea and chained myself to the computer between laundry and tidying up.
Lindsay R came over for a bit on her way home from a shower, I had some Chex Mix and water. Then I made some Kraft Alfredo mac n cheese, a teeny bit of Boones, and a giant piece of garlic bread. Ed actually found bread at WF that I don't like, a first. It's ok, but sour doughy in a strong way that is not good. Does this stop me from eating it? Hell's to the no. The day I do not eat bread that's available in my house, Armageddon is on the way for sure. It's an extra disappointment because Ed got this really good butter that he says is awesome but I can't really tell - it's yummy but I think I'm missing out on the amazing factor. Alas, I don't need to fall in love with expensive, fatty-ass butter. Especially when I'm not exercising. Which I didn't today. But will tomorrow. Yes.
Back to Miss America on TLC [WOW train wreck, and I thought my reality shows were entertaining...they've got nothing on this] and organizing my life. Princess is at his brother's house of debauchery, doing god knows what so I have the house to myself. I am relishing in losering it up. Off to eat a limited edition Apple Pie yogurt from Stonyfield Farms, then maybe some tea. I need to try and remember to grab my laundry before I fall asleep. These are my roaring 20's.....
Friday, January 23, 2009
I love free stuff
Ok, so I have no idea if I'm doing this right but anyone who read this, link here for good info and how-to's on getting your own space:
So here are my resolutions:
I will only print necessary documents at work, and lately that is very very little.
If I have to print, I will do it double sided.
I will also try and consolidate documents as much as possible.
I will research and purchase refillable ink cartridges for my home printer, for printing photos or projects.
I will research and purchase recycled photo paper.
I will use less post-its [already bought a voice recorder and have started using the virtual notepad in my iPhone].
I will use the front and back of papers for notes [my mom has been doing this for years!].
I will tele-commute more.
I will take the bus when I go to my local, city office.
I've started using old magazines to keep my boots upright, prop up uneven house-wares, etc. Will keep this up!
I feel better already....what a great idea! This is in-line with my personal theory that the reusable bags at Whole Foods should be free. I know people would abuse this, but it's a shame. Instead they cost a couple bucks, which isn't a lot and I've bought them but it does seem counter-intuitive. Now if only they would install a voice-box on the bags that shouts at me when I leave for the grocery store. Ive been improving though, will resolve to keep that up too!
So the above has nothing to do with food; real quick:
so far DD HEC on a croissant, a tea and some Instant Breakfast.
Had some popcorn and 5 [yes, 5] doves chocolates last night in bed. It's like a luxe hotel on the second floor of my house...what?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Boring Thursday
Back to CR Sober House.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I skipped yesterday:
I had my bagel and some tea. We had our "virtual SKO" and that included lunch [rather than 4 days in Miami - these are trying times] so I had a turkey sandwich, some salad, veggies and chips. I also had 1 oatmeal raisin cookie and a diet Sunkist.
Afternoon passed and I didn't snack...I think? I'm trying to remember, the past few days have been a blur of fastness, if that makes any sense... I came home and had a WF pizza for dinner, some tea and 2/3rd of a belgian 100 calorie bar. I think some water too? Who knows. I didn't move a muscle, not even going to trivia [everyone was sick or bailed].
It was inauguration day, I am hopeful for the future but so over all the hullaballoo! I felt like I was immersed in all things Obama and for someone like me who is still very much on the fence [or actually I'm not even near the fence, I'm way on the other side but not in a hater-negative I'm just going to talk smack and pout way], I was happy that is jazzed up so many of my friends who have never taken a huge interest in politics and world events, but apprehensive in that I feel like everything is turning into these glorious flashes in the pan. Everyone has their 15 minutes and everything is trendy. I do not want a trendy president or a brand for a president or an image for a president, I want someone who does their job, is fair and keeps America awesome and makes us even better. Enough with the rant, it was a significant and historical day and I'm glad so many folks were part of it and felt encouraged by it - 2009 could be the start of something really rad.
Today, I had some Carnation IB with soy milk and part of an apple. Then some tea and an english muffin with butter at Ed's office. We had to re-sign our re-fi [re re re] because the dates were f'd up last week. Our amazing lawyer came to us [so I didn't have a chance to apologize or yell further at the less-fortunate] and we TCB'd at Ed's espresso-world and he made me a muffin for my drive to WF - he is so sweet.
For lunch, we did the caf [barf], I had a salad and Diet Snapple Iced Tea and little roll with margarine. I didn't snack all afternoon and then got home after Joann's and had a handful or Triscuits before heading back out to Michael's/Target. Kill me now, I know. Whatever, recession, resmession, I'm going to start DIY'ing everything just for $$ and sanity and quality and feeling good about how my house looks. I am SUCH a dirty hippy! ACCCKK. For supper, I just made an entire box of mac n cheese and almost ate all of it, I left a tad. I'm going to have a teeny caramel chocolate and head to bed. No moving, I'm focusing on tomorrow. Yep. Ok, I'm really out now - Top Chef has restarted and Radikha is so annoying and the Hosea/Leah thing is yucky, and whatever.
My good-will shout-out of the day goes to the lady behind me at Target. I walked away and suddenly hear a "Ya gluves!" in a screechy Boston accent. While non-natives might find this irritating, this is exactly what I love about my home town. She noticed I was leaving an item behind [there were gloves on the end of the register station- turned out not to be mine, but that's beside the point] and chose the most efficient and direct manner to inform me without causing any kind of awkwardness or forcing us to be friends or talk more than necessary. Love it. I told her they weren't mine but thanks, and I was on my way. She was fabulous.
Wii Fit tomorrow? I think I'm doing Cambridge and cocktails. Exciting!
Monday, January 19, 2009
I food-cheated Saturday night
Then yesterday I had tea and a HEC on an everything bagel, I only ate like 3/4ths of it - which was weird but I wasn't super-hungry. Of course, then I made an entire box of brownies. We were kind of snowed in AGAIN and the box was taunting me, what can I say? They didn't cook all the way, per usual but they were pretty f-ing good. Princess and I ate the whole goddamn pan...I finished the last teeny bite this morning [it's Monday now, I'm a lazy-blogger]. I had those with some tea, then later an apple and then Ed got us WF sushi which was good but some of it was that multigrain stuff and I don't care if it's healthier, that stuff is wacky. And isn't sushi healthy enough on its own? I had more tea and some water with lemon.
As it got later, I got the late night Praeter-Willies [splg] - this led to more brownies [I felt slightly nauseous going to sleep], some peas with butter, triscuits with cream cheese and a yogurt. Yes, I am in dire need of a trip to the grocery store.
Then today was Monday, I worked from home - had a banana, did 50 minutes of Wii Fit including a 20 minute faux-run [2.75 miles!]. Had my bagel and a Carnation Instant Breakfast with soy milk. Had some tea...I feel like I had something else but can't think of what it could have been. Went to my parents for dinner, had lasagna and brocolli and garlic bread and 2 mint chocolate cookies with some peppermint tea and wine and water. Got home and had a yogurt and 1 Reeses and some more to bed!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
That's Not Real Exercise
I am watching Food Network, so not a good idea for a hungry Saturday night. Giada just took a trip to Italy. If I get married, we're going to Italy for like 4 weeks as a vacation: fashion, water, islands, old paintings usually of Jesus, old buildings, not understanding what people are saying around me, wine, frangelico and most important FOOD. A perfect country. I do wish I liked espresso, that is the only piece of that whole culture that I don't dig and I feel like I'm missing a lot. But I would love to start at the top and work my way down, so awesome.
Ok, I'm tired. Here's a sum up:
1 hour Wii Fit
Salad [spinach, tomato, mozarella]
Pumpkin/Mozarella ravioli's from Dave's w/ tomato sauce
More tea
A glass of wine
3 small pieces of the savory cran bread w/ cream cheese and garlic salt
This is where I'm at. I'm starving, it's Saturday night. I have a headache and I keep yawning. We watched our Netflix already [The Wackness? It had its moments but overall was pretty wacky and not in a good way]. I want a brownie sundae with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, gummi bears, banana and whip cream. Instead I will go to bed instead....hopefully this ravenousity will subside by morning.
Meagan and Dan showed up and then Laura and Beth came over as well. I had mentioned to Ed that he should invite them [they get along well and I try to up my people-in-my-home anxiety by adding folks when I can], but he never listens to me and last he'd told me was that he'd texted them so I didn't think they were coming. So that was a nice suprise and made conversation and AI Wii-Karaoke even more fun. All in all, a very fun night; and not having to drive home is the shit.
I made a spread of cucumbers, peppers [gross, but yellow looked pretty] and carrots [semi-gross but good for you and people like them] with this parmesean pesto dip from Shaw's [delicious]. We also got red pepper hummus bread and the savory cranberry bread from WPF and I put out some olive oil and balsalmic with S&P. It was relatively healthy and soooo good. Of course, then we ordered some pizzas and had a WPF bread pudding tart thing [french vanilla choco-chip, decent] and the Pepperidge Farms entertainment selection of cookies. And drank way too much.
Said and done, I'd say I had a handful of veggies and dip, probably 2-3 slices of bread total, with OO, 3 pieces of cheese pizza from Angelina's [yum], 3 or 4 cookies and 2 tiny pieces of the bread pudding. Drinking I had a glass of red, 2 of white, 1 of Boone's Farm [love it] and another half glass of red. This was a perfect amount of drink, I felt happy, didn't feel sick and went right to sleep.
Today I had one final cookie and just ate a banana. I am going to Wii-Fit now for 45 minutes or so and then have breakfast [I know it's 2 pm, we woke up at 12:30 and have been cleaning, so sue me]. I think we have nothing to do today...we are on-call babysitting for our friend Lou's kiddies if he needs us but they are with their grandparents today and so I think we might not get them until tomorrow. Beyond that, my day was clear so woo-hooo!!!
I have a huge urge to go out to eat tonight, but last night staying in was cheap but buying food and drink was not. And I thought we might be making salads and being healthy so we have baby spinach and tomatoes up the we are going to eat a tasty but nutritious meal tonight. I already want a loaf of garlic bread but will RESIST. Side note, just heard this on the radio: I love that AirTran commercial where the voice talks to the girl at the night club? "It's an individual pie!".
More later, off to Wii-jog.
Friday, January 16, 2009
2 Degrees
Had my bagel, 2 cups of tea.
Just had a bowl of cereal for lunch.
Now I'm having more tea and a 100 calorie bar...
My house is so cold, I wish I could somehow get work to pay for my heat.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A homeless man critiqued the change that I gave him tonight.
So I will revert to my former policy of never giving anyone begging any money. I am not evil, I am under 30 and not close to rich and I make efforts to give to charities I deem important all year [Jimmy Fund, ARL, Salvation Army, USO, Helping Hands, various MS and Diabetes orgs], I'm trying to get over my fear of giving blood, I donate bags and bags of my old clothes a couple times a year, and would gladly give my sweatshirt or the 2nd half of my Twix to a stranger as long as he wasn't a kiddie rapist... But I seldom, actually never, for years, give homeless folks money when they ask for it on the street.
Tonight, on my way to meet Darling at the lawyers [we are re-fied at 5.25..woo-hoo!!] after trying to park for 40 minutes and then starting my walk across the Common in the oh, 8 degrees? out, I walked by a guy asking "for money to get him out of the cold". I smiled and said sorry, per usual. Then I felt bad and reconsidered - it is SO COLD OUT - and I was late so I quickly fished out the teeny amount of change I had in my wallet. I didn't even look at it, just handed it over and started to walk away. I got a "Thank You" and then an immediate "Wait...what's this...did you just give me 4 cents??" I shit you not. And this was accompanied by an almost comical look [I'd turned around by now] of disbelief. Now granted, 4 cents isn't going to help this guy and under other circumstances I maybe would've dug up more change - hell if Boston wasn't so annoying in charging 25 cents per FIFTEEN MINUTES, it would have been at least 29 cents. But this was what was immediately available in the change portion of my wallet while I'm hustling and cold. And
a. I had no idea it was only 4 cents
b. I worked for that 4 frigging cents and CHOSE to give it to someone who appeared down on his luck but more likely is a drunk or drug addict. Sorry to any other druggies or drunks, I'm a liberatarian and have no issue with you if you don't drive, harm me or my family/friends or ask me to finance your life cause you're too fucked up to do so yourself.
c. This dude is STANDING there - just generally, here's a hint: if you can't get a job, at least move around the park. Rule # 1 of staying warm, keep the blood flowing.
So needless to say, I flipped out - just briefly, I was running late. And I will be honest, I felt good about it. "Are you criticizing me after I just gave you change?" He starts back peddling and mumbling and looking a little scared. I look meek and pie-eyed, I'm a girl and I smile a lot and I'm barely over legal-midget height. But I will warn you: do not let the 1980's Joseph Lee Elementary School upbringing rear its ugly head because it is in fact very ugly. He switched back to "No, no, THANK YOU, I mean THANKS!". Whatever. I then added on a couple of each of the following "Seriously?" "You've got balls, dude" "What a fucking asshole" "Never again" and "Only in this fucking state, jesus". Apologies to Boston/Massachusetts and Jesus, I love-love-love my state and have no religious background that makes me yay or nay Jesus, but I was all types of fired up.
I kept walking, totally talking to myself like a nut for most of the remainder of my journey. As someone who speaks up for herself enough, but doesn't always, I was glad I fired back at him. Maybe some will consider this a hate crime, or at the least insensitive or that I'm a jackass for giving someone 4 cents. In hindsight, in his shoes, I'd probably think I was a yuppie-douche too, but I would NEVER even conceive of calling the yuppie-douche out on it. Sorry I don't carry change - it's 2009. Did he think his piping up would make me reconsider "Shit, sorry dude, hold on - let me fish out a $20". I am never going against my instincts again. NEVER.
On our walk back we went by him again - still in the same place. I asked Princess to please be quiet while we passed [I had of course screamed to him the entire story via iPhone 5 minutes later, like the yuppie-douche that I am]. He grew up in San Diego and lived in San Francisco for a couple years as a grown up, so if you think that I sound like I hate homeless people, have a beer with My Muffin. Needless to say, the dude started with his standard request and immediately shut himself up when he recognized me. I avoided eye contact and the urge to kick him...
Enough with the ranting, it's just people with bad manners really piss me off. How hard is a please or a thank you? Being gracious should be taught in school. I am so lucky to have been raised by nice, normal, decent humans. Thank you mom and dad and the entire Harris family. I'm going to stop now before I start going off on the kids and the myspace.....goodness. Anyhow, this is a food blog so today I ate:
My bagel, some tea.
Some water, an LC pasta bowl for Lunch [I was in Westford until 4].
Dinner was a McD's cheeseburger Happy Meal with a small order of nuggets on the side. They screwed up my order, thus the nuggets. Worse things could happen, and I ate them anyway. And I sure as hell didn't rip the dude at the drive-thru a new asshole....grrr...
Came home and had more tea and 2 Reeses during The Office. Line of the night was "beet-stained teeth"....from Jim, sigh. Liz Lemon dancing was also impressive. Channel 7 has had Thursdays on lockdown for a while, huh?
I'm on my final cup of tea now and just had one of those mini-bags of popcorn? Nice concept but poor execution. Maybe it's my microwave but I either can't pop enough of the kernels or burn the bag entirely. The latter was tonight. God is probably punishing me for my treatment of the less-fortunate by making my entire house reek of burnt corn. Yumm-o.
Off to bed, I'm digging the Artie book but fearing he's heading toward a really bad melt-down soon. He is hysterical but there is this huge sadness and need in him that I don't think anyone can help with the way he is right now. He needs to take care of his shit, I hope he will. Adding to this, Celebrity Rehab Sober House made me sad... Enough with the feelings, good night!