Friday, March 13, 2009

In keeping with my quote last night to "eat healthier"

now that I have a full kitchen of was again a massive fail. Work is stressful, the honeymoon of a new year is def over for now and it will be nuts-to-butts until summer. I need a vacation. As much as mandatory time off sucks money-wise, it will be good to have some breaks. Now if only we could pick somewhere to go...we bounce between tropical island of nothingness [neither of us have ever done this] or diner road trip [yum]. And I still want to Vegas for my birthday, although maybe a vacation for my b-day would be better. Maybe birthday dance party / karaoke on the actual day and then vacation the following week...or earlier, I have no idea. I hate that I need to factor in end of quarter, ahh sales.........can't live with em, can't pay for anything without em.

Wow blather, I am in a vile mood. Worked from home again today, won't even get into the last time I showered, let's just say it definitely wasn't today. People who don't work from home sweat it, understandably, but it is a VORTEX, so easy to get sucked into. I pity the fool who accuses me of not working when I'm home, I swear I work twice as hard. But yeah, day was nuts, fires all day, everyone needs everything yesterday and I kept getting major attitude and having to bother people I like unnecessarily about trivial assholery. Glad it's done.

Heading to Beth and Laura's in a bit, having some vino and bread and cheese, that will put me in a good mood. And they have Charlie the dog and a kitten, well cat now, and I love pets. Ok, so no exercise, I suck. Food:

Bagel w/ EB and CC, tea, yogurt, juice with seltzer
More tea, a maple cookie
LC of butternut squash [ehh]
4 WF B&W sandwich cookies [not as good as the maple but I could eat them for days too], more tea
Just had an apple and some homemade lemonade with mint [YUM YUM YUM]

Off to bathe so I don't embarrass my boyfriend in front of his friends, which is saying a lot cause cleanliness has never been his strong suit.

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