Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just when I thought last Sunday couldn't be topped

I'm on my way to the 3rd playoff game against the Angels! I'll show off a bit here and say my last and only playoff game was in 2004 against the Angels as well. We all know how that turned out. Ok need to park now, write more later.

Ok, so didn't turn out so super amazing. What was super-amazing was our seats: State Street pavillion, right above where Remy sits. We had a waiter! And cup-holders!!

It was awesome. Bum out of an ending, entertaining game over-all, not cold until the 10th or so inning. A bit of a silver lining is my favorite ex-boss Joe is going tonight and he would miss his play-off game if we did win so I'm taking solace in that. Plus we're currently winning game 4 in the 8th so I can be a bit ok with it.

So I'm wayyy behind, let's back it up. Yesterday was Sunday, I got up and grabbed some WPF peasant white [and a little chocolate cake for my parents' house]. Made some ham, egg and cheeses on that, had a cup of tea, some juice-water. Rode the bike for 25 minutes, did my arms pgood girl!]. Headed over to the parents after getting the call from Meagan that the opportunity of a lifetime would occur tonight, so stoked. Sad to miss my parents' Sunday supper but life is about choices. Ed dropped me off, took all of the laundry again [second week in a row, I'm lucky- can't wait for my own W&D!!!]. Hung out for a bit with the fam, I had to leave at 5 so it was brief. My mom made me a delicious salad of Bob Gaudet tomatoes, cukes and some store-bought mixed greens. Tossed that with some olive oil, white basalmic and S&P. SOOOOO good. Linus was being a brat and apparently peed all over the attic prior to my visit. Seriously, I somehow went to the MSPCA for a kitten and adopted an asshole.

Headed into town around 5:30, got a meter by BU. We knew we had fancy seats so I had to trade my chucks and giant Pap jersey for heels and a button down and sweater [at Fenway? and NOT after work? too weird]. Went up to our seats, fully dazzled. We had a lovely waiter Ben, and I had 2 beers, a pinot grigio [scariledge at Fenway but i have boobs so it's not sooo bad], a hot dog [yummm!], chips, some chicken tenders [mehh] and some fries [ehh]. The game was 5+ hours long, I got out of there after 1, took forever to get a cab, one of my major issues with downtown Boston. The T "runs" but not nearly as often or efficiently as needed - yet they don't put enough cabs out either!! Ridiculous. Chugged a Propel on the way home, I was getting that so tired I feel nauseous feeling? Yeah, not a great sleeping weekend, but a great weekend overall. Angels just tied it up...GO SOX!!!

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