Monday, October 13, 2008

monday monDAY MONDAY!!

God I hate Mondays. In general, but especially after a wedding weekend. I love weddings, I would be a big proponent for a wedding every weekend if possible. Not that I would want to have that many friends or family nor be able to spend that much money on gifts and outfits, but the theory is nice.

Ooh, addendum to last night: I got home and had some tomato, mozzarella and basil with oo and white basalmic vinegar and spices. Then I had a giant slab of toast and then a bowl of TJ's Flakes and Chocolate cereal with soy milk. The latter sounds better than it is...I had a banana on it to try and improve it...THAT's where the banana comes in! Good call. So I was apparently hungry late-night on Sunday, sue me. Had some riesling too.

Anyhow, this will be brief because I'm starving and the Sox game SUCKED. Had some Shredded Spoonfuls and soy milk to start, a tea when I got to work, a banana mid-morning. More tea. Headed home to WFH because I had Sox tickets [Mom bailed, so sister and I attended] for the afternoon. 2 TJ quesadillas with sour cream and salsa for lunch, a [generous] handful of chocolate covered pretzels for a snack. An apple on my ride home too, forgot about that. Went into town for the game, had 2 beers and a hot dog, handful of Cracker Jacks. Everyone was out of pretzels and fried dough is 5.50....maybe it's always been but I find that outrageous. Grabbed a grape G2 on the way home. We lost 9-1. People were leaving in the 5th inning of a playoff game. Sucked.

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