Saturday, January 17, 2009


So yesterday flew by, I was still frantically getting ready when Meagan and Dan showed up a little before 8. Can time-management be learned? That would be a nice's so frustrating, I have good intentions and then life just gets away from me. Needless to say, 0 exercise besides running around to various grocery and booze places and going up and down my stairs cleaning and putting stuff away.

Meagan and Dan showed up and then Laura and Beth came over as well. I had mentioned to Ed that he should invite them [they get along well and I try to up my people-in-my-home anxiety by adding folks when I can], but he never listens to me and last he'd told me was that he'd texted them so I didn't think they were coming. So that was a nice suprise and made conversation and AI Wii-Karaoke even more fun. All in all, a very fun night; and not having to drive home is the shit.

I made a spread of cucumbers, peppers [gross, but yellow looked pretty] and carrots [semi-gross but good for you and people like them] with this parmesean pesto dip from Shaw's [delicious]. We also got red pepper hummus bread and the savory cranberry bread from WPF and I put out some olive oil and balsalmic with S&P. It was relatively healthy and soooo good. Of course, then we ordered some pizzas and had a WPF bread pudding tart thing [french vanilla choco-chip, decent] and the Pepperidge Farms entertainment selection of cookies. And drank way too much.

Said and done, I'd say I had a handful of veggies and dip, probably 2-3 slices of bread total, with OO, 3 pieces of cheese pizza from Angelina's [yum], 3 or 4 cookies and 2 tiny pieces of the bread pudding. Drinking I had a glass of red, 2 of white, 1 of Boone's Farm [love it] and another half glass of red. This was a perfect amount of drink, I felt happy, didn't feel sick and went right to sleep.

Today I had one final cookie and just ate a banana. I am going to Wii-Fit now for 45 minutes or so and then have breakfast [I know it's 2 pm, we woke up at 12:30 and have been cleaning, so sue me]. I think we have nothing to do today...we are on-call babysitting for our friend Lou's kiddies if he needs us but they are with their grandparents today and so I think we might not get them until tomorrow. Beyond that, my day was clear so woo-hooo!!!

I have a huge urge to go out to eat tonight, but last night staying in was cheap but buying food and drink was not. And I thought we might be making salads and being healthy so we have baby spinach and tomatoes up the we are going to eat a tasty but nutritious meal tonight. I already want a loaf of garlic bread but will RESIST. Side note, just heard this on the radio: I love that AirTran commercial where the voice talks to the girl at the night club? "It's an individual pie!".

More later, off to Wii-jog.

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