Monday, September 8, 2008

I hate Mondays

I really do, between the traffic, lack of any motivation to work and general post-weekend tiredness and depression, Mondays always suck. Today was no exception. First, I need to follow up on yesterday. Got up relatively early, had old pizza for breakfast [never do that, but it was ok]. Ran off to Trader Joe's - I have no idea how Ed worked there for a year, I was ready to commit violent acts 4 minutes into my midday Sunday trip - and then headed to our parents.

Had a nice barbecue, relaxed a bit. No exercise, well a trip to CVS and a trip to TJ's but those aren't real exercise. Came back here and watched ANTM, Madmen and some VMA's. Ooh, I had a big bite of the last of the Toblerone last night too.

Today, had a bowl of those TJ fruit O's with soy milk, and some tea, for breakfast. I'm trying to drink water, pretty unsuccessful, I just kind of fill the bottle and stare at it and wonder why it's not decreasing. Then had a salad for lunch. So not what I wanted, at all. I tried to dress it up with eggs and a few croutons, still narsty. Had a yogurt for a PM snack. Work kind of sucked, I don't fully understand all aspects of my job yet and this gets more frustrating when people give me incorrect stuff to do. Like, if you want me to put together a quote, I'm not psychic, you need to put THE RIGHT PART NUMBERS IN YOUR EMAIL. I'm still learning, although I honestly have no idea how anyone ever understands all this techy stuff. I'm not stupid but it is so over my head.

Got home and had some strawberries and Splenda. I'm starving but think I need to exercise maybe? Problem is the dipshit I date can't communicate effectively and we have to revise our frigging offer and it keeps getting pushed back *but* he keeps forgetting to let me know. I bailed out of work early and went 85 to get here at 6 only to be told it's been bumped to 8. Thanks! Then he just asked why I wasn't going for a run and when I said "8?" he said, "It's 8:30". If his body is found tomorrow in a ditch, I didn't do it, I swear, but I'm not necessarily going to blame whoever did.

And I am on the fence about whether or not we're over-paying. My heart says no, because we love it, but my brain is beyond ripshit about not sticking to our guns in this craptacular market. We shall see. Most folks think Darling is tougher than I am, but with this he's just solely focused on getting the place and I feel like we could get more bang for our buck. It's pissing me off even more because now since we offered over X, we apparently have to get re-approved, etc. Another thing I just learned...did no one notice this before? I'm not a realtor, I'm educated on this stuff but by no means an expert. This is further confirming my hemming and hawing. I am just questioning why we're in a pissing match a. with the sellers and b. with sellers who are desperate and should be honored we're this interested this quickly. Whatever, everyone tells me it's an emotional process. I better fucking love this place and stay there for 30 years. Barf, I hate everyone.

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