Monday, September 1, 2008

Work is a mere 9+ hours away

Barf. Quick recap before bed:

Up and down the stairs several times moving some stuff we had stored over the summer. No bike...and no excuses!...yeah. Darling and I went to the parents, had steak+mustard, a potato puff thing, asparagus and some corn from my dad's new grill. He tried to get me to eat home grown eggplant. Gross, and I refused [Ed ate it]. We did get to take home a goodie bag of fresh tomatoes and an eggplant. Free groceries = awesome. I totally stole 3 rolls of toilet paper too. Doing laundry and stealing paper goods at the parents. Yep, I'm 29.

I had some cran and seltzer and, of course, because my dad was in a 10 foot radius, a giant glass of red wine. We split up the little banana pecan choco bread pudding torte [?] from WPF and I restrained myself to just one small piece. One pattern I've already noticed from my bloooggging is that most of my restraining involves WPF. I hope this doesn't mean I'll need to move far far away from Davis to ever truly be food-happy. I can eat bread up the wazoo if I'm running 30 miles a week, right?? If not, someone tell me now so I can change my life plan.

My parents are doing well, as is my sister. Some asshole charged some stuff on my dad's credit card and he is having a really good time trying to get those off his bill. I hate people sometimes....there is such scum among the decent and regular folks. Linus is continuing to amuse my parents in the wake of their pet tragedy. He chose to get skunked the DAY after my poor parents had to put our beloved dog Amos to sleep after 15+ wonderful years. It's been a couple weeks and the mother-fucker still stinks. He's also since gotten in another fight with the white trash cats across the way and has a new pirate scar on his nose. Between this and the daily treatment of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda paste that my dad zaps him with, he's looking pretty punk rock lately. It's kind of awesome. I wish they had pet taxis and we could have him here during the day [take that mice] and then shuttle him back to my folks for certain nights and weekend when I want to sleep.

Speaking of sleep, it's 11:30 and I feel a thousand years old. Wrap it up! Got home, put away laundry FOREVER. Starving again now so I just had a yogurt. It was good.

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