Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September 2

When do you stop rushing around? I'm going on 5 years here of just constantly go go going. I always think to myself "After this week" or "Once summer is over", but the more I talk to grown-ups the more I'm thinking it's just part of the gig. Alas, today was no different. Crazy rushing around all day and not much to show for it

I skipped breakfast, which I NEVER do, but I was wfh this morning and decided to squeak in a half hour on the bike (8+ miles woo-hoo!) and my arm regimen, to be healthy. This caused panic and haste afterwards, so I snuck a yogurt in the car on the way to Westford at like 11:30 (I'd been up since 7:30). Anything to stave off the DD on the way.

Upon arriving at the office, I logged in, shot off a couple emails and then Work-Lindsay and I went to Papa Gino's. Can we discuss the affection I have for this place? The one in craptacular Westford gets bonus points for having the nicest frigging food-staff I've encountered in a while. 2 slices and a Diet Pepsi later and I was in heaven. To be 100% honest, I had a bunch of Lindsay's fries too.

Back to the office for more crap but there is a blessed light at the end of the tunnel. Daddy's got Sox tickets for tonight! The stars aligned and I rearranged things and decided I'd go. So I am on my way there now. I'm telling you, a day can suck to the utmost degree and finishing it off with a beer and a hotdog (and my dad, of course) makes it all better. More later.

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